GVSU Social Blog

Permanent link for Social media lessons learned in 2020 on December 22, 2020

In a year where many people engaged in more virtual activities than ever before, social media increasingly became a tool to share important information with the Grand Valley community. 

As 2020 comes to a close, now is a time to reflect on lessons learned from this memorable and challenging time. 

Here are a few bits of social media wisdom from this year to remember in the new year and those to come.

Clarity is key

Whether it was a change in campus policies or an update on statewide health orders, being crystal clear in the delivery of campus-wide messages is essential. 

Put yourself in your follower’s shoes, and craft content that helps to address pertinent information in direct, yet still creative ways. 

Sharing Twitter threads, Instagram Stories and Facebook updates with links to further reading can help your followers feel informed and cared for. 

Managing social media platforms is often a customer service role, so when making announcements, be ready to answer questions and respond to comments in order to be as helpful as possible.  

Read the room

During challenging times, take a pause before posting and consider what will best serve your followers. Trust your instinct; if it doesn’t feel like the appropriate time to share something, your gut is probably right. 

Sometimes, your followers will love a photo of a cute puppy, but other times, it’s best to say nothing at all. 

Don’t be afraid to look at your content schedule with a critical eye to best decide what needs to be prioritized to best serve followers, and what should wait for a better time. 

Be flexible

Having a content calendar is an extremely helpful tool for crafting a cohesive social media content, and maintaining a solid strategy in chaotic times is important. 

However, the ability to be flexible during unique times is paramount for creating successful social media content. 

Be ready to move posts around day-to-day as needed, and in times of crisis, limit the number of pre-scheduled posts. Scheduling a post that ends up going live moments after a serious news headline starts trending can come off as tone deaf, even if that wasn’t the intention.  

As always, the GVSU social team is here to support you. Never hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns!


Categories: best practices
Posted by Anna Young on Permanent link for Social media lessons learned in 2020 on December 22, 2020.

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Page last modified December 22, 2020