GVSU Social Blog

Permanent link for How to Create A Perfect Caption on June 27, 2024

While it may be easy to overlook captions, a great caption will allow you to catch your audience's attention and engage with them in a new way. Captions are a great way to engage with your audience and can serve as an engagement tool through conversation starters, or by directing your audience to website links, RSVP pages, and other important information you want them to see.


It can be difficult to write a good caption for your post if you’re unsure of where to start. Keep reading for tips and tricks on creating the perfect captions for your social media posts


How to construct a caption for your post 


Start with some brainstorming!


Ask yourself these questions when brainstorming your caption: 

  • What is the goal of your post?
  • What can grab the attention of the audience?
  • How can you use this caption to engage with your audience?
  • Is there anything you want your audience to do after seeing your post?
  • Do you need to include information like location, dates, and prices?


Once you have thought about those questions and added your own goals for how you want your caption to be received, start drafting up captions. Don’t get caught up trying to find the ‘perfect caption’ at first. Sometimes, it’s better to draft out several ideas, and then select the direction you’d like to go. 


5 Tips when writing a caption


  1. Set a goal for your caption. What do you want it to achieve?
  • To maximize the impact of your caption, know what you’re trying to achieve and what ‘good engagement’ looks like. 
  • Do you want people to click on your link?
  • Do you want to entertain your audience?
  • Do you want to start a conversation?
  1. Length 


  • Generally speaking, try to keep your caption as short as possible while still relaying your message. Audiences across social media platforms are constantly bombarded with information, resulting in a generally low attention span. If your audience is approached with a long caption, they are less likely to read it. A general rule of thumb is to have captions be a length of 138-150 words max.


  1. Always check for syntax 
  • Ensure that your caption has proper grammar and punctuation. 
  • Get a second pair of eyes if you are able. After you write something, especially repetitively, you may not catch mistakes that you have made. 
  • Download free grammar programs like Grammarly to catch any grammar mistakes in your writing. 
  • GVSU has several writing guides for you to utilize: writing standards covers names of GVSU buildings, as well as general institutional language, and the inclusive writing guide covers language regarding diverse populations.


  1. Hook your audience 
  • How can you immediately catch your audience’s attention? For example, it's like looking at the back of a book that gives a blurb of the story to get you interested in reading. In this case, what from your post can make your audience interested in what you're displaying? Oftentimes emojis, trends or witty one-liners can help play a role here, but it will look different depending on the content you’re sharing. 


  1. Things you can do to polish your caption 
  • When you are finished with the base of your caption, think about what finishing touches you can make to bring it all together like: 
  • Adding emojis 
  • Adding hashtags, which can help you reach new audiences
  • Asking your audience questions to start conversations


Now you're ready to make a caption!

Captions bring character to your posts and can boost engagement. They can play a crucial role in hooking your audience and making your social media posts interesting. A well-crafted caption can significantly enhance your content, drawing more attention and encouraging your audience to interact with your posts, ultimately building a stronger connection with your followers. By incorporating these tips, you'll have the structure needed to create captivating captions for any post you make on social media. 


Categories: best practices
Posted by Sarah Dudinetz on Permanent link for How to Create A Perfect Caption on June 27, 2024.

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Page last modified June 27, 2024