
Prof. Joel Stillerman Receives American Sociological Association Award

Prof. Joel Stillerman Receives American Sociological Association Award

Prof. Joel Stillerman has received The American Sociological Association's Sociology of Consumers and Consumption’s Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award for his book Identity Investments: Middle-Class Responses to Precarious Privilege in Neoliberal Chile

After Pinochet's dictatorship ended in Chile in 1990, the country experienced a rapid decline in poverty along with a quickly growing economy. As a result, Chile's middle class expanded dramatically, echoing trends seen across the Global South as neoliberalism took firm hold in the 1990s and the early 2000s. Identity Investments examines the politics and consumption practices of this vast and varied fraction of the Chilean population, seeking to better understand their value systems and the histories that informed them.

Link to award: Sociology of Consumers and Consumption Award Recipient History | American Sociological Association ( 

Link to purchase: Identity Investments: Middle-Class Responses to Precarious P... ( 


Interest Area(s)
Sociology, Global Studies & Social Impact

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Page last modified September 18, 2024