Professor Michael Lorr

Visiting Professor
Office Address: 2109 Au Sable Hal
Phone: (616) 331-3249
- M.A. Sociology, DePaul University
Ph.D. Urban Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Urban, Environmental, and Cultural Sociology
- Introduction to Sociology
- Social Problems
Current Research Interests
- Investigating how society incentivizes sustainability, environmental justice, and decolonization
- Hardcore punk and skateboarding subcultures as sites of social reproduction and social change
Selected Publications
Lorr, Michael. 2024. “Moving Michigan Towards Just Building, Housing, Energy Production, Distribution and Storage: EGLE Council on Climate Solutions and the Limits of (Neo)/ Liberalism.” in Sustainable Energy Development: Technology and Investment edited by Kimarie Engerman, Elizbeth A. Keenan, Dmitry Kurochkin, and Elena V. Shabliy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Lorr, Michael. 2018. “Pure Michigan Beer? Tourism, Craft Breweries, and Sustainability” in Craft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 2: Environmental, Societal, and Marketing Implications edited by Carol Kline, Susan Slocum, Christina Cavaliere. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lorr, Michael. 2017. “Urban Sustainability and the Greening of Neoliberal Chicago” in Neoliberal Chicago edited by Euan Hague, Larry Bennett, and Roberta Garner. Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.
Lorr, Michael. 2016. “Skateboarding as a Technology of the Collective: Kona Skate Park, Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A.” in Skateboarding: Subculture, Sites, and Shifts edited by Kara-Jane Lombard, Curtin University Australia. London: Routledge.
Hancock, Black Hawk and Lorr, Michael. 2013. “More than Just a Soundtrack: Toward a Technology of the Collective in Hardcore Punk.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography June 42: 320-346.
Professor Lorr has more than two decades of teaching, research and service in sociology and higher education. His work on urban, environmental and cultural sociology has recently appeared in the Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Nature & Culture, Humanity and Society, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, New Directions for Student Leadership and as book chapters in a number of edited volumes such as Neoliberal Chicago, The Greening of Everyday Life, Skateboarding: Subcultures, Sites, and Shifts, and Sustainable Energy Development: Technology and Investment.