Professor Yan Yu



Office Address: 2172a Au Sable Hall
Phone: (616) 331-3124

  • B.A. English Literature, Beijing Foreign Studies University
  • M.A. American Studies,  Beijing Foreign Studies University
  • M.A. Sociology, Florida State University
  • Ph.D. Sociology, Florida State University




Family, Gender, and Immigration


  • Families in Society
  • Family and Gender in the Developing World

Current Research Interests

Family, Gender and Globalization, East Asian and Chinese American family experience

Selected Publications

Yu, Yan. 2014. “The Male Breadwinner/Female Homemaker Model and Perceived Marital Stability: A Comparison of Chinese Wives in the United States and Urban China.” Journal of Family and Economic Issues. August, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s10834-014-9417-0

Yu, Yan. 2012. “Economic Transition and the Potential Risks of Marital Instability in Contemporary Urban China.” In Springer International Handbook of Chinese Families. Chan Kwok-bun (ed). New York: Springer.

Yu, Yan. 2011. “Reconstruction of Gender in Marriage: Processes among Chinese Immigrant Wives.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Vol. 42, No. 5. Pp. 651-668.

Yu, Yan. 2006. “‘New’ Gender Roles of Chinese Immigrant Wives: Reconstructed to Maintain the Quality of Marriages.” International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations. Volume 5, Issue 4: 101-110.

Moen, Phyllis and Yan Yu. 2000. “Effective Work/Life Strategies: Working Couples, Work Conditions, Gender, and Life Quality.” Social Problems. Vol. 47. No. 3. Pp. 291-326.

Moen, Phyllis and Yan Yu. 1999. "Having It All: Overall Work/Life Success in Two-Earner Families." In Toby Parcel (Ed.) Research in the Sociology of Work, Volume 7. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Inc.

Book Reviews
Yu, Yan. 2011. Review of Globalization and Families: Accelerated Systemic Social Changes, by Bahira Sherif Trask. International Journal of Sociology of the Family Vol. 37, No. 1. Pp. 181-182.

Yu, Yan. 1997. Review of Unbound Feet: A Social History of Chinese Women in San Francisco, by Judy Yung. International Migration Review Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer.


A native of China, Professor Yu's research and teaching interests are in the areas of family, race/ethnicity, gender and globalization with a focus on East Asian as well as the Chinese American experience. Before coming to the department, she was a post-doctoral associate at the Cornell Employment and Family Careers Institute in Ithaca, New York. She continues to be actively involved in research on the intersection between work and family. Currently she is engaged in a study of globalization and family life, one that focuses on gender relations between husband and wife, both within selected communities in the U.S. and among families in mainland China.

Page last modified September 19, 2024