Visiting Professor Duane Rousselle

D. Rousselle


Visiting Professor Duane Rousselle
2169 AuSable Hall
(616) 331-3428


Trent University, Cultural Studies PhD
European Graduate School, Philosophy, Media & Communications PhD
University of New Brunswick, Sociology MA
University of New Brunswick, Sociology BA
NBCC-Miramichi, Electronic Game Design Diploma


Cultural Sociology, Social Theory, Psychoanalysis, Discourse / Semiotics


Social Problems
Sociology of Healthcare
Sociology of Sexuality
Sociology of Gender

Selected Publications

(book) Jacques Lacan & American Sociology: Be Wary of the Image (Palgrave, 2019)
(book) Lacanian Realism: Clinical and Political Psychoanalysis (Bloomsbury, 2018)
(book) Post-Anarchism: A Reader(with Sureyyya Evren; Pluto Press)
(book) The Subject of Change(with Alain Badiou; Atropos Press)
(2019) “Love Must Be Reinvented,” (Alain Badiou, translation), Theory & Event. Vol. 22., No. 4.
(2017) “Reconsidering the Newest Social Movements from the Perspective of Lacanian Sociology,” Anarchist Studies. Vol. 25., No. 2.
(2016) “Obsession & Politics: A Contribution to Lacanian Political Psychoanalysis,” Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. Vol. 21., No. 4.
(2014) “Imaginary, Symbolic, Real,” The Zizek Dictionary (Rex Butler, Ed.). New York, NY: Acumen Publishing.
(2012) “Georges Bataille’s Post-Anarchism,” Journal of Political Ideologies. Vol. 17., No. 3.


Duane Rousselle is a clinical Lacanian psychoanalyst whose work explores the consequences of a ‘missed encounter’ with Freud within early American sociology. His work intervenes into contemporary debates in cultural sociology through Lacanian psychoanalysis: social movement studies, the sociology of health (trauma, autism, addictions, etc.), and sociological explorations of Islam.  

Page last modified March 1, 2019