Scholarly Presentation Preparation

Poster Presentations: Poster presentations provide students with the chance to connect directly with their audience through organized conversations with attendees. 

  • Designing Posters
    • Poster presentation designs vary. Posters are printed on a large format printer so that presenters are able to provide a clear visual overview of their research project. 
    • Elements to include:
      • Title of project, student's name, mentor's name, GVSU department information
      • Abstract, abridged version of the literature review, methodology, results
      • Images, graphs, and/or tables that help explain the project
  • Presenting Posters
    • Poster presentations are more conversational than oral presentations since presenters will be interacting directly with attendees.
      • Begin by telling attendees about yourself, your area of study, then begin explaining your project.
        • Provide background information about the project
          • Previous research that supports the rationale for your project
          • Why your project/research topic is important to investigate
        • Explain the method used to collect data
          • Describe participants (if applicable)
          • Clearly explain the steps of the method used
        • Review the results of your project
          • Explain the results
            • Use the images, tables, graphs to help explain results
            • Don't rely on the images, tables, graphs or attendees ability to interpret them
        • Describe the practical value that the results provide
          • How do your findings compare to those of your supporting researching?
          • Who is impacted by your findings?
          • How are they impacted?
        • Ask the attendee if they have questions

Oral Presentations: Oral presentations are an opportunity for students to present their project to a larger audience. Presentations are 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes of Q&A. Oral presentations are more formal and structured than poster presentations but some of the information above (poster presentations) can be used to help organize oral presentations; provide, explain, review, describe.

Speech Lab consultants are here to support each step of your journey as you prepare for poster presentations and oral presentations. Make an appointment today!  

Page last modified June 13, 2024