Strategic Plan for Academic Affairs
We empower learners – through scholarship-informed practices,
experiential education, and deep community engagement – to contribute
to a sustainable society.
A sustainable and equitable university powered by inclusive education
and engaged scholarship.
Values Statement
We cultivate lifelong curiosity, creativity, and open inquiry through conversation and collaboration.
We believe that education is an individual right and a social value to support democratic equality.
We center our practices in equity-minded, just, and transparent approaches.
We prioritize the success, sense of belonging, and well-being of all GVSU community members.
We honor experiences, expertise, voices, and perspectives of all.
Planning Process
Academic Affairs had a new Provost begin in July of 2022. By August,
the division was working on their planning process. Initially, the
Provost's Cabinet started with Reach Higher 2025 and thought about how
Academic Affairs could help the university while also creating a
mission that could guide the division. Deans and AVPs worked through
November and then placed a draft of the planning effort on the
Provost's website and the Provost announced the draft in her Lakers
Ready newsletter where she asked for feedback. Feedback was considered
as teams of Deans and AVPs continued to focus on the Commitments for
the division. Once the planning effort was iterated many times, the
final product was presented to the division.
While the Academic Affairs efforts were building upon the RH2025
efforts, the main collaboration within Academic Affairs was seeking
feedback from faculty and staff and having Deans ensure that members
of the community were informed of the planning efforts.