A Louie The Laker Thanksgiving: Louie’s Family Traditions, Recipes, and Advice
Written by Isabella Gielniak
Posted on November 23, 2021
Tired of a traditional American Thanksgiving? Louie the Laker is, so he is preparing a Laker-themed Thanksgiving feast this year. Setting the table with Kool-Aid, perch, Laker Bowls, and more, this Thanksgiving is bound to be his best one yet. Keep reading to learn more about Louie’s Thanksgiving plans and maybe even get some ideas for your own Thanksgiving festivities this year.
Start with the Classics
Before Louie lets his creativity flow, he starts with a classic: mashed potatoes. Louie knows how much of a staple mashed potatoes are, so he serves them in the form of Laker Bowls. Filled with potatoes, popcorn chicken, corn, gravy, and cheese, Louie knows that Laker Bowls are the perfect addition to any feast.
Add Some Laker Blue
Guests will need a beverage to wash down those delicious Laker Bowls. Louie could serve something old, something new, or something borrowed, but why not have something Laker blue! Louie takes the Laker Line to the grocery store to buy blue Kool-Aid powder to mix together for his guests. How refreshing!

Stay Connected to Family Traditions
Now for the main course. What will Louie choose: turkey or ham? He ponders and then gets an idea. He is a Laker, so why not serve fish at Thanksgiving?
Louie prepares his boat, the S.S. Mantella, and heads out into Lake Michigan to fetch the main course. He casts out his line and feels a snag. It’s a… minnow. Next! After a few more tries, Louie’s line snaps. He climbs overboard and grabs two handfuls of perch on the first try. Louie climbs back aboard and heads back to Grand Valley.
Utilize Your Secret Talents
As Louie continues to brainstorm, he remembers the juice that fuels Lakers throughout the busy college life: Java City Coffee. Many students may not know, but Louie dabbles in being a barista in his free time. He prepares tons of coffee beverages for his guests. The espresso machine is plugged in, and he starts to whip up some delicious Javalanches, lattes, iced coffee, hot chocolate, cappuccinos, and fresh hot coffee.
Go Above and Beyond
Louie the Laker knows that no Thanksgiving dinner is complete without pie… Michigan pies of course! Louie visits every single apple orchard in Michigan to hand-pick the best apples off the best trees to make the perfect apple pie. He peels, cooks, and dices the finest apples and cooks them in a bath of cinnamon, butter, and brown sugar.
As Louie was dicing, he noticed that he picked too many apples. West Michigan just has too many good ones! This was too many for one small pie, so Louie made a three-tier apple pie! Decorated with intricate detailing of self portraits, the GVSU logo, and the Cook Carillon Clock Tower, this was the most impressive dessert Louie has ever made! Is there a more fitting dessert for Michiganders than a giant apple pie, especially one with handmade detailing made of pie crust?
And just like that, Louie the Laker’s Thanksgiving feast is prepared. The table is set with Kool-Aid, Laker Bowls, perch, Java City Coffee, and a three-tier apple pie and ready for all of his guests to enjoy! Will you be trying any of these foods at your Thanksgiving dinner?
Happy Thanksgiving, Lakers!