Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Spotlight Series: Asian Student Union

Written by Isabella Gielniak
Posted on March 31, 2022

Asian Student Union

April is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and we are celebrating with a series of articles that highlight the different AAPI Organizations on campus and the diversity within them. This week we shine a spotlight on two members involved with the Asian Student Union.

The Asian Student Union (ASU) is a fun and familial organization where students can connect over their shared culture and experiences. The organization also hosts fundraisers, weekly meetings, and cultural events like Studio Ghibli night and a Lunar New Year celebration as an effort to raise awareness about Asian culture on campus. The Asian Student Union serves as a place of knowledge, bonding, and relaxation. Two members, John Dannug and Faith Simons, spoke with us on how ASU has impacted their college experiences.

John Dannug

John Dannug, a member of ASU's E-Board, is a sophomore electrical engineering and music major. John identifies as Filipino-American and didn’t have much exposure to the Filipino community as a kid, but in high school, he made some friends who encouraged him to learn more about East Asian cultures. This led him to join ASU during his first semester at Grand Valley. John shares that ASU "was really nice to be a part of last year, when COVID-19 made it difficult for [him] as a first year to meet new people and make connections."

To John, ASU is a perfect place to meet like-minded people or learn more about your culture. "I was able to meet several international exchange students and build connections with some really cool people that I hope I continue to stay connected with," John says.

John Dannug
Faith Simons

Faith Simons

Another member of the Asian Student Union is Faith Simons. Faith is a first-year student from the metro-Detroit area studying communication sciences and disorders. As a first generation Filipino-American, Faith says she found a community through ASU. 

"I can say proudly that ASU is my home within my home," Faith says. "ASU has made me even prouder in my identity!"

Faith recommends that everyone should get involved because it's fun to explore cultures different from your own. She adds, "It is also a great way to make new friends!"

If you are interested in meeting people with similar interests like John and Faith, check out the Asian Student Union on LakerLink. Keep an eye out for the next installment of our series and join us as we celebrate even more Asian voices and organizations on campus.

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Page last modified April 20, 2022