School psychology students will demonstrate knowledge from the ten
domains of practice as defined by the National Association of School
Outcome SPSY B Ethics and Diversity
Students will practice in a legal, professional and ethicalmanner that
demonstrates respect for student, family, and school diversity.
Outcome SPSY C Academic Support
School psychology students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills to
use data to select, implement, and monitor interventions that improve
academic outcomes for children and adolescents, and prepare them for
post-school success.
Outcome SPSY D Research
School psychology students will engage with, interpret, and disseminate
research that supports evidence-based practices in the field of school psychology.
Outcome SPSY E Social and Behavior Support
School psychology students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills to
use data to select, implement, and monitor interventions that improve
social and behavior outcomes for children and adolescents, and prepare
them for post-school success.
Outcome SPSY F Communication
Students will demonstrate effective oral and written communication
within the discipline