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Economics, BBA - Real Estate

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome BA/BS/BBA1 Effective Communication

Objective 1 Students will be proficient at locating, evaluating, and using information effectively.

Measure 1

2021 Status
In this second round of assessment, student performance exceeded the established threshold on 3/4 criterion measured by the rubric but fell short of the threshold on criterion 4 (sources information)

2019 Status
An information literacy assignment was given to students in 13 sections of ECO 210 in Fall 2018. The performance of BBA Business Economics majors was isolated for reporting purposes.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Average scores on all four traits of the rubric exceeded the threshold in Winter 2015

Objective 2 Students will develop clear, concise and well-organized written communication.

Measure 1

2021 Status
In this second round of assessment, student performance exceeded the established threshold. Student average ranged between 3.3 and 3.7 and 79% to 95% of the students performed at level 3 or above on all criterion measured by the four-point scale rubric.

2019 Status
Written communication was assessed in Fall 2018 in three SWS sections of ECO 313.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
Average scores were at or above the threshold level in Winter 2015 in ECO 313 but below the threshold level for 1/4 traits (Thesis Statement) measured by the rubric in ECO 495.

Outcome BA/BS/BBA2 Disciplinary Content Knowledge

Objective 2 Students will be able to identify and connect the appropriate ideas and claims from the field of Economics to real-world issues.

Measure 1

2021 Status
On the economics and quantitative business analysis sub-sections of the MFT, which address objective 2, the Business Economics students performed better than the comparison group.

2019 Status
The MFT test by ETS was administered in six sections of MGT 495 (Capstone) in Fall 2018. 17 BBA Business Economics students took the test along with other business majors. Student performance was mostly satisfactory.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
With the exception of efficiency, average student performance was satisfactory on all content knowledge covered by the 50 question multiple choice exam developed by the department given in ECO 495 in Winter 2015.

Outcome BA/BS/BBA3 Problem Solving (undergraduate)

Objective 1 Students will be able to identify and evaluate the feasibility of solutions considering aspects such as the historical context and ethical, legal, or practical impact of potential solutions.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The first two criterion on the rubric are used to measure this objective. Although, student performance was strong in defining the problem, it did not meet the threshold on developing a plan to problem solve in the second round of assessment.

2019 Status
The problem solving goal was assessed on one section of ECO 495 in Winter 2019.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
With the exception of student performance on policy implications in one section of ECO 313, student performance overall was above the threshold level employed in Winter 2015.

Objective 2 Students will be able to identify and correctly apply appropriate empirical and statistical techniques in the analysis of economic problems.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The third and fourth criterion on the rubric are used to measure this objective. Student performance did not meet the threshold on collecting and analyzing information and interpreting findings to solve the problem in the second round of assessment.

2019 Status
The problem solving goal was assessed on one section of ECO 495 in Winter 2019.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
The economics major assessment plan was streamlined to align SLOs over our four accreditation bodies described above. The revised objective is currently being assessed for the first time in Winter 2018 in ECO 495 using the GE Quantitative Literacy rubric and an updated threshold definition to align with the GE rubric.