Honors Program

“Live, Learn, Lead” is the philosophy that drives the Honors College curriculum at GVSU. Study abroad allows students to experience this first hand almost anywhere in the world. Imagine walking through a crowded street filled with the delicious aromas of the food vendors and fish dealers in Costa Rica, or studying development and social change in Nepal.

Honors students who choose to study abroad will live in a foreign country, immersed in a culture different from their own. Students will learn from a unique perspective and through immense self-discovery. Students will lead in their fields through developing in-demand global skills like cross-cultural communication, international connections, confidence and adaptability.

Honors and Study Abroad



Academic Advice


HNR 300: Campus/Community Engagement

Studying abroad always involves both an academic experience and high levels of engagement with a vibrant community and culture. This is exactly what the HNR 300 requirement is all about, so students may substitute any course they take abroad for HNR 300. In order to receive substitutions for courses taken abroad visit the Honors website and submit the study abroad proposal form.


HNR 401/499 Honors Senior Project 

Students may substitute any course they take abroad for HNR 401/499. In order to receive substitutions for courses taken abroad visit the Honors website and submit the study abroad proposal form. A reflection paper will also be required to fulfill this requirement. You will be asked to submit the reflection paper within the study abroad proposal form.



  • Courses must be approved through the course equivalency process by the relevant academic department. 
  • Students may substitute any course they take abroad for HNR 300. In order to receive substitutions for courses taken abroad students must submit the study abroad proposal form.

Keep in Mind

  • The Honors College is happy to apply up to 6 credits in the Honors curriculum. Their "default" is to use the credits for HNR 300 (3 credits) and/or HNR 401/499 (3 credits).
    • If you are taking only 3 credits abroad, you can receive either HNR 300 OR HNR 401/499.
    • If you are taking between 3 and 6 credits abroad, Honors can work with you on a case-by-case basis.
  • Once you have selected a program, it is recommended to meet with your advisor prior to departing for your program.
  • Be sure to explore both GVSU and external options by browsing the Program Suggestions below. Students are not limited to GVSU study abroad programs.

Program Suggestions

Honors students can choose to participate in faculty-led, partnership, external or internship abroad programs. We highly encourage you to visit the Padnos International Center for study abroad advising!

For a sense of what some students have been doing and seeing, see the following blogs and videos:

Honors Ghana Service-Learning Program Blog 2014

Sarah Tibbe in Argentina

Michael Dykstra in Peru

Kristen Hollingsworth in Italy

Dakota Vradenburg in Australia

Gail Berkompas in Chile

Meagan Roche in Oman

Kaleigh Carlson in India

Zoe Kilbourne in Denmark

Mario Amaya-Velazquez in Italy

Kathleen Carlson in Ecuador


Check out the interactive map and place a pin where you have been or would like to go! This is also a great way to see where and what other students, staff, and faculty are doing abroad.


To determine the GVSU course equivalencies for courses taken abroad, please view the “How to Request Course Equivalencies” page.

Frederik Meijer Honors College

120 Niemeyer LLC

[email protected]

Page last modified May 15, 2024