Housing in the U.S. While Abroad

Reminder: On-campus housing is more flexible when it comes to getting released from a contract, so consider living on campus to prevent housing becoming a barrier to studying abroad.

On Campus Housing

  • Contact the Housing and Residence Life Office as soon as you have been accepted to study abroad.
  • The Housing and Residence Life Office will review your contract release request. The process takes at least 10 business days.
  • Do NOT wait until the last minute to inform the Housing and Residence Life Office that you are studying abroad and you need to be released from your housing contract. It will cost you money if you do not notify them in time to process the request.
    • Grand Valley State University Housing and Residence Life Office, (616) 331-2120, Suite 300 Holton-Hooker LLC, [email protected] 
  • NOTE: You must maintain good communication with the Housing and Residence Life Office if you are unable to complete a full housing contract. They will be able to work with your special circumstance and allow you to break your contract, but you must notify them as you solidify your study abroad plans.

Off Campus Housing

  • Notify your off-campus landlord. Students usually find a sub-leaser for the time they are studying abroad; however, it is your own responsibility to find a sub-leaser.
  • The Study Abroad Facebook page and Off-campus housing websites are resources for posting/seeking housing.



Page last modified July 30, 2019