Internships with the Sustainable Agriculture Project

General Information:

First, we believe all SAP internships are a wonderful opportunity for GVSU students to try new things, learn, and put their skills to the test. We diligently encourage students to have conviction and confidence in the ideas that they develop during their internship. Then, students are able to put those ideas into action. Whether a student has an idea for research or a creative idea that they believe will improve the SAP, our internships encourage exploration and imagination.

Second, we understand that student schedules can vary greatly due to classes and even employment, and we will work to help the right candidates with a flexible schedule. However, we do ask that you are willing to actively participate in developing a mutually beneficial schedule.

Finally, an internship with the SAP requires balancing a number of responsibilities, for example, directing volunteers, keeping production records, and physical labor. It is a great opportunity for anyone interested in pursuing small-scale farming and exploring sustainable agriculture. Though previous experience with growing food and working with others is helpful, it is not required.

See below for specific information on available internships.

Please note: If you do not see an internship position that interests you, but you would still like to intern with the SAP - we would be happy to work with you to develop a unique internship that suits your interests!

Apply Now

Click above to apply to any of our internships!

The application is for both academic and farm crew positions.

Differences between Academic and Farm Crew Internships:

Academic Internships

  • Academic internships are for-credit. These interns have specific academic objectives depending upon their area(s) of expertise. Each internship description has examples of academic research and objectives that are possible with the internship. 
  • Academic interns may occasionally help with farm duties, but their main focus is to achieve specific academic objectives.

Farm Crew Internships

  • Farm crew interns will specialize in a specific role on the farm and take charge of that role. Farm crew interns are also responsible for the completion of all general farm duties, including:
    • Transplanting, weeding, and harvesting produce
    • Fence construction and maintenance
    • Cutting flowers
    • Mowing
    • Pest control
    • Miscellaneous other tasks
  • Farm crew interns are paid. Their pay is supported by sales of the produce grown and are expected to demonstrate having more experience with agriculture compared to academic internships.
  • While the farm crew internships have more structure through specific roles, there is flexibility in the special projects that can be pursued.
Interns at the SAP

Academic Internships

These are our academic internship opportunities. Apply to be an intern for the spring/summer, fall, or winter semesters! Click on each position for more details:

If you do not see an internship position that interests you, but you would still like to intern with the SAP - we would be happy to work with you to develop a unique internship that suits your interests!

Farm Crew Internships

These are our current farm crew internship opportunities. Click on each position for more information:

Interns often take home free veggies as a token of our appreciation!

"One thing I believe profoundly: We make our own history. The course of history is directed by the choices we make and our choices grow out of the ideas, the beliefs, the values, the dreams of the people. It is not so much the powerful leaders that determine our destiny as the much more powerful influence of the combined voices of the people themselves."

- Eleanor Roosevelt, Tomorrow Is Now (1963), 4

Like Eleanor Roosevelt, we believe that your ideas, values, and dreams can bloom to have a powerful impact in the world. We hope that you consider making part of your history through an internship with the SAP.

Veggies from the SAP

Veggies from the SAP!

Page last modified January 18, 2024