Michigan Listens: An Evening of Stories From Across Our State

Wednesday, April 2, 2025 | Time TBD | Eberhard Center | Pew Campus

What happens when people decide to stop arguing and start listening?

Michigan Listens offer the opportunity for an audience to hear the stories of speakers from a cross-section of backgrounds, occupations and experiences. The Talking Together partners have reached out across the state to bring together people - farmers, restaurant workers, business leaders, veterans, students, etc. - to come together this evening to speak about what they value and why. The goal for the audience is to listen - truly listen - and learn from the diversity and depth of their experiences. Nothing more and nothing less.

Idaho Listens Documentary

Our event was inspired by and is modeled after Idaho Listens, which took place at Boise State University. This 25-minute documentary about the experience was produced by Idaho Public Television.

Page last modified August 19, 2024