50 Years of Title IX: Where Have We Come? Where are We Going?

PRESENTERS: Kevin Carmody, Stacy Piasecki, Chelsea Farley and Madison Creutz (Staff)

In observation and reflection of Title IX’s 50th anniversary as federal law, this session will explore the history of Title IX and the achievements made in admissions, athletics, and gender-based violence since its passing in 1972. Attendees will learn about higher education’s relationship and compliance with Title IX law through scholarly research and archival materials dating back to 1971 provided by the GVSU Special Collections and University Archives. Through interactive presentation tools like Kahoot, participants will connect with myths and facts about Title IX’s impact on gender-based equity across the country and at GVSU. Presenters will engage participants in conversation to look ahead at the work yet to be done in imagining what Title IX’s influence might look like in another 50 years. Workshop

Page last modified October 31, 2022