Creating Resilience and Wellness Through Community: An Interfaith Dialogue

PRESENTERS:  Katie Jourdan (Staff) and Students from Hillel, Muslim Student Association and Mindfulness and Meditation

Gen Z is coined as the "loneliest generation" with 73% having reported being lonely sometimes or always. With too many stimuli, social media lacking quality relationships, and a dependency shift to artificial intelligence, Gen Z (and more than half of millennials) have lost their connection to community. What does this mean for minority and marginalized communities on campus that are looking to advance equity work on campus? Join us for a dialogue with students from a variety of faith/spiritual backgrounds to discuss how they have found their communities at GVSU. We’ll explore how these groups are supporting their own sense of community while improving connections and justice-seeking work, socially and spiritually.  Panel (Panelists will be from a variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds and belief systems).

Page last modified October 31, 2022