MEDC Export Events

Permanent link for Meet Mexico on May 17, 2021

As the state’s second-largest export market, Mexico is a nation with strong demand for Michigan-made products, services, and technologies, including aerospace, automotive, environmental and pollution control, healthcare and medical, industry 4.0 and advanced manufacturing, and information technologies.

Companies interested in doing business with this manufacturing powerhouse have significant opportunities to grow their sales. Michigan exports to Mexico totaled over 8.7 billion USD in 2020 alone. Not only is this market the second-largest economy in Latin America and the 10th most populous country in the world, inexpensive transportation costs, geographic proximity, and free trade agreements make it easier for Michigan companies to expand within the market.

Ready to meet potential buyers, partners, or distributors in Mexico? The Michigan Mexico Trade Center offers market research, pricing analysis, matchmaking services, and more. Contact your International Trade Manager to schedule a call with our local experts today.


Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing Trends
May 18, 2021

Join Automation Alley to learn more about doing business in Mexico and how you can benefit from technological trends that have transformed the nation into a global manufacturing powerhouse. Hear from Industry 4.0 experts from Guanajuato and Jalisco.

For companies interested in traveling to the market, you’ll also learn about Automation Alley's trade mission to Jalisco (Guadalajara) and Guanajuato taking place September 26-October 1. The mission includes matchmaking meetings which will place you directly in touch with potential buyers and end users of your products, services and technologies.


Mexico Infrastructure Project
May 20, 2021

The Mexican government is currently deploying strategic infrastructure projects to foster economic recovery and generate employment, including the Trans-isthmus—or Interoceanic—Corridor.

The project will connect the Gulf of Mexico with the Pacific Coast and includes the refurbishment of 117 miles of railway, upgrade and expansion of seaports, enhancement of highways, and establishment of pipelines and development poles.

Michigan companies with experience in infrastructure and interested in the Mexican market are welcome to join the US Commercial Service’s webinar to learn how to get involved.

Categories: Export Event International Trade Mexico
Posted on Permanent link for Meet Mexico on May 17, 2021.

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Page last modified May 17, 2021