Film and Video - Guide to the Major
The faculty has developed this Guide to help you have a first-rate educational experience. It is a supplement to the GVSU catalog, the Student Handbook, Production Support Services guidelines, and materials presented in your classes. No guide can cover all aspects of your college career, so if you have questions about the topics covered below, or those found elsewhere, please discuss them with a member of the faculty. Faculty contact information can be found in the "Faculty" menu of this website.
Standards and Expectations
- Students will be highly motivated, responsible and prepared
- Students will participate actively, constructively, and courteously in class and class-related sessions (labs, shoots, etc.).
- Students will understand that high grades are reserved for superior work.
- Communication skills (including grammar) affect grades in all F/V Production courses.
- Students will recognize the value of both the professional and liberal dimensions of their education.
- Students will practice high ethical standards in preparing all assignments. For example, such standards apply to the use of sources and the development of group projects.
- Students will treat the equipment as a community resource that must be kept in good working order and shared fairly.
General Advice
- All students must apply to and be accepted into the Film/Video Production major after taking the pre-admission courses, FVP 123, 124, & 125. Guidelines for this internal admission are available on the Film/Video website under "Admission Policy and Guidelines" or from any faculty member of the Film & Video Production major.
- Get to know your tools. Learn to use the manuals, references, indexes, on-line resources and other materials relevant to our fast-changing field.
- Get to know your instructors. Take advantage of posted office hours or make appointments to discuss papers, projects, your career interests, graduate work, course selection, or your progress in a current course. Adopt one or more instructors as mentors. It is important to network with people who know you and your work well enough to write letters of recommendation in your behalf.
- Seek contacts with/video professionals. Join professional organizations, or attend their events even if you don't join. Many such organization s are listed on the Film & Video Production website, or ask any member of the faculty.
The faculty expects that students will attend class regularly and on time, and remain for the entire period. Establishing a formal attendance policy is left to individual instructors. Learn the policy, as well as the procedure (if any) for making up late work.
Getting the most out of your education
- Internships can help you develop a sense of direction in your career.
- Submit your work to academic or film conferences/festivals. There are many festivals, competitions and conferences listed on the Film & Video Production website.
- Network with classmates. Assist on their projects. Today's fellow student is tomorrow's professional colleague.
- Accumulate as many and as varied production experiences as possible. Consider participating with the student-run television station, GVTV, or the Scientists of Sound. Writing experiences are valuable as well, such as writing for THE LANTHORN.
- Ask faculty to work as their teaching assistant for a course. Being a TA is interesting, is good for your resume, and there is a small honorarium.
- Apply to become at tutor for the Writing Center (hourly pay).
- Apply to work at Channel 25, WGVU (hourly pay)
- Check out the Film & Video Production website several times a semester: postings are updated throughout the year. You may want to set your browser home page to in order to keep up with current announcements and opportunities.
Other Areas
Art Education — Art History — Ceramics — Film & Video Production — Graphic Design — Illustration — Jewelry and Metalsmithing — Painting — Photography — Printmaking — Sculpture — Visual Studies