Useful Links for Academic Writers

Information about the Academic Publication Process

Mount Mercy's Website-- Scholarly Publishing: Books, Journals, and Conferences

  • Comprehensive website that links to publication outlets by discipline, as well as articles about how to navigate the academic publication process.

Proposals: Book, Dissertation, & Grant

GVSU's Center for Scholarly & Creative Excellence

  • Supports grant proposal writers through workshops, quality circles, and other programming. Also provides travel grants, research grants, information on ethical research, and much more.

Purdue's OWL: "Academic Book Proposals"

  • A good introduction to writing book proposals; includes references to multiple books/articles you might want to read further along the way.

University of Texas, Austin's website: "Sample Dissertation Proposals"

  • A wide selection of dissertation proposals, grouped by disciplines.

University of California, Berkeley's website: "Dissertation Proposal Workshop"

  • Comprehensive resource to help writers navigate the process of writing a dissertation proposal.

University of North Carolina's website: "Grant Proposals (or give me the money!)"

  • An overview to writing successful grant proposals.

Academic Writing/Publishing Advice

Book Review: "Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks," Chronicle of Higher Education

Advice/Strategies: Faculty Writing Workshop, Inside Higher Education

  • Links to a series of columns on a wide variety of writing issues, such as finding good readers for your work, proofreading and editing your writing, and making the time to write on a regular basis.

Advice/Strategies: Writers' Bootcamp Blog Posts, Chronicle of Higher Education

  • Links to a series of columns on a wide variety of writing issues, such as working through writers' block finding time to write, and collaborative writing.

Dissertation Help

GVSU thesis and dissertation guidelines and forms

Advice: "Finishing the Dissertation," Chronicle of Higher Education

Advice: "It's a Dissertation, Not a Book," Chronicle of Higher Education

Benefits of Writing Groups--and How to Facilitate Them

"Get Together to Write," Academe

"New Faculty Writing Groups," Chronicle of Higher Education

"Online Writing Groups (dissertators & new faculty)," Chronicle of Higher Education

"Starting a Dissertation Writing Group (In a Writing Center)," Chronicle of Higher Education

Citation Help

Excelsior Citation/documentation Support - MLA/APA/Chicago

Chicago Manual of Style 17th Ed.

GVSU Library's citation help, including links to citation managers

GVSU Libraries Interactive Tutorial - MLA

GVSU Libraries Interactive Tutorial - APA

APA Guide to Citing Electronic Sources

GVSU Library Guides: Citing Sources (includes help with many styles of documentation)

College student's guide to citation styles (sciences, humanities, social sciences)

Purdue OWL - APA

Purdue OWL - MLA

GVSU Resources that Support Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work through Grants & Programming




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Page last modified October 30, 2019