2025 Water in the West Commitment and Deposit Form

Submission of this form and the $300 deposit indicate your plans to attend the 2025 Water in the West Program. By submitting this form I understand that:

  1. The $300 deposit is non-refundable unless another student signs up to fill the spot. This is because we have to commit to reserving lodging and other logistics based on the number going on the trip.  If the number is reduced costs will increase for other students.
  2. Participation in the program requires signing up for 6 credits during the spring/summer term. We will work with students to be sure that the credits can be used for their major and graduation requirements.

* denotes a required field

Participant Information

I would like to get together as a group during the winter semester to get in shape for the trip (walk/run at the track, hikes, etc.) *

Health and Dietary Information

Do you have any dietary limitations or preferences *

Course Credit

Deposit and Confirmation
I confirm that I am committing to attend the 2025 Water in the West Program. *

Please submit your digital signature here.  I understand that by signing I am indicating that I plan to attend the 2025 Water in the West Program which includes signing up for 6 credits during the 2025 Spring/Summer Semester. I also understand that the balance of the program fee will be no less than $2,200 and no more than $2,900 ($700 deposit due by Jan 24 and balance due March 3).

I understand that the $300 deposit is non-refundable unless the program is cancelled or a replacement participant can be found to take my place on the trip.

Human Verification *

Page last modified September 26, 2024