Current Graduate Students

Photo of Katelyn Anderson

Katelyn Anderson
Advisor: Kevin Strychar
Research: Environmental E. coli using Imaging Flow Cytometry
[email protected]

Photo of Anna Briem

Anna Briem
Advisor: Mark Luttenton
Research: Removal of Eurasian watermilfoil and the restoration of native flora in Lake Leelanau, MI
[email protected]

Portrait photo of Logan Clark.

Logan Clark
Advisor: Mark Luttenton
Research: Brown trout movement using radio telemetry
[email protected]

Photo of Kaylynne Dennis

Kaylynne Dennis
Advisor: Bopi Biddanda
Research: Plankton metabolism in Muskegon Lake
[email protected]

Emily Eberly holds a gar for the camera.

Emily Eberly
Advisor: Matt Cooper
Research: Great Lakes coastal wetlands monitoring
[email protected]

Portrait of Grace Forthaus.

Grace Forthaus
Advisor: Charlyn Partridge
Research: Using eDNA captured in spiderwebs for detection of Hemlock Wooly Adelgid and other bioindicators
[email protected]

Photo of Jillian Greene

Jillian Greene
Advisor: Sean Woznicki
Research: Remote sensing of water resources
[email protected]

Photo of Jamshid Jalali

Jamshid Jalali
Advisor: Sean Woznicki
Research: Hydrological modeling and remote sensing based water quality assessment
[email protected]

Portrait of Josie Kuhlman.

Josie Kuhlman
Advisor: Ryan Otter
Research: Riparian food webs
[email protected]

Photo of Mitchell Olszewski

Mitchell Olszewski
Advisor: Kevin Strychar
Research: E. coli in fish populations
[email protected]

Portrait photo of Addison Plummer.

Addison Plummer
Advisor: Ryan Otter
Research: Mercury deposition in the Grand River watershed
[email protected]

Photo of Renee Tardani

Renée Tardani
Advisor: Charlyn Partridge
Research: Molecular assessment of a new harmful algae bloom prevention strategy
[email protected]

Photo of Michael Trapp

Michael Trapp
Advisor: Mark Luttenton
Research: Investigating brook trout and brown trout survival on the Au Sable River
[email protected]

Photo of Victoria Vander Stelt

Victoria Vander Stelt
Advisor: Mark Luttenton
Research: Identifying potential causes for trout decline on the North Branch of the Au Sable River
[email protected]

Portrait photo of Cal Yackin.

Cal Yackin
Advisor: Jodee Hunt & Amanda Buday
Research: Investigation of landscape features which facilitate the appearance of synanthropic birds into natural areas
[email protected]

Page last modified September 13, 2024