November 2014 Newsletter
A Closer Look #145
AWRI Fish Biologist Awarded Grant to Study Yellow Perch

AWRI Fish Biologist Awarded Grant to Study Yellow Perch
“Yellow perch stocks have not been assessed across the full range of habitats accessible from Lake Michigan, in particular drowned river mouth (DRM) lakes. Carl Ruetz and colleagues (David Janetski—Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Ryan Thum—Montana State University, Tomas Hook—Purdue University, and David Clapp—Michigan Department of Natural Resources) recently were awarded $196,310 from the Great Lakes Fishery Trust to apply genetic and otolith isotopic analyses to delineate stock structure among nine DRM lakes and four nearshore Lake Michigan sites. They will investigate the stock identity of suspected migratory yellow perch, which potentially represent a unique life history type, that move between Lake Michigan and DRM lakes. This research will provide agency biologists valuable information to make more informed decisions regarding the management of yellow perch in Lake Michigan, especially with respect to Lake Michigan’s eastern shore.”
LMC Activities
Bopi Biddanda and Al Steinman participated via teleconference on November 12 for the oral qualifying exam of Kateri Salk, MSU PhD candidate. Both Bopi and Al are on Kateri’s Dissertation Committee.
Al Steinman has been invited to be part of a DEQ Water Advisory Committee to “engage state resource agencies and public college/university leadership in identifying attributes, assessing gaps, and linking state agency research needs with in-state research expertise.”
Al Steinman hosted a second NOAA workshop, this one dealing with research needs for natural resource managers working in the Muskegon River Watershed, at the Lake Michigan Center on November 13.
Janet Vail and Karen Meyers from the GVSU Regional Math & Science Center facilitated a day-long Project WET and Project Learning Tree workshop on November 6.
Presentations & Publications
AWRI staff are in bold, graduate students are denoted with a *, and undergraduate students are denoted with **.
Mary Ogdahl and co-author Al Steinman have an article in press in the journal Aquatic Botany that is now available online:
Ogdahl, M.E. and A.D. Steinman. 2014. Factors influencing macrophyte growth and recovery following shoreline restoration activity. Aquatic Botany 120: 363-370.
Anthony Weinke, graduate student working with Bopi Biddanda, has an article in the current issue of Journal of Plankton Research.
Weinke, A.D.*, S.T. Kendall, D.J. Kroll, E.A. Strickler**, M.E. Weinert**, T.M. Holcomb**, A.A. Defore*, D.K. Dila*, M.J. Snider*, L.C. Gereaux*, and B.A. Biddanda. 2014. Systematically variable planktonic carbon metabolism along a land-to-lake gradient in a Great Lakes coastal zone. J. Plankton Res. 36: 1528–1542.
Briana Hauff and Joshua Haslun, graduate students working with Kevin Strychar, have an article in the current issue of Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.
Hauff B.A. *, Haslun J.A. *, Cervino J.M., Krucher N., Wier A.M., Minnix A.L., Hughen K., Strychar K.B. 2014. Genetically divergent Symbiodinium sp. display distinct responses to pathogenic Vibrio and thermal stress. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 112:149-159. doi: 10.3354/dao02802
(Presenter listed first)
Bopi Biddanda gave a presentation titled “Dynamic planet: oceanography” at the West Michigan Science Olympiad Coaches Clinic organized by the Michigan Science Olympiad Board held at Grand Haven High School on November 8.
John Koches gave a presentation titled “Drones and water quality” at the ninth annual Ottawa County Water Quality Forum held at the Ottawa County Administrative Complex in West Olive, MI on November 7.
Mark Luttenton gave two guest lectures for Gary Greer’s BIO 105 classes in November.
Syndell Parks presented at the North American Lake Management Society meeting in Tampa, Florida which was held from November 12 – 14.
Parks, Syndell*. Oral. The potential benefits of incorporating genetic methods into aquatic vegetation mapping.
Rick Rediske gave a guest lecture titled “Toxins of harmful algal blooms” in Bopi Biddanda’s BIO 380, Marine Biology class on November 6.
Rick Rediske attended and presented at the 142nd annual American Public Health Association Meeting and Expo held in New Orleans from November 15 – 19.
Rediske, R.R. Oral. A Survey of household water quality in rural Haiti.
Al Steinman was a guest lecturer for Mark Luttenton’s BIO 610 course on November 10.
Janet Vail and Karen Meyers presented a session on GLOBE on November 8 at the Place-Based Education Conference in Grand Rapids.
Janet Vail and Amy Haack from the West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission presented a session on Air Quality at the Fall Science Update on November 19.
Awards & Recognition
James Smit, recent master’s graduate student working with Al Steinman, received the Graduate Dean’s Citation for Academic Excellence in the Major for Fall 2014.
Grants & Contracts
Bopi Biddanda received approval on funding ($50,000) for a NOAA-CILER subcontract through the University of Michigan for the project Lake Sentinel: Observatory for ecosystem changes in Muskegon Lake AOC.
Al Steinman announced that the Mott Foundation has provided an additional $25,000 toward the Blue Economy Initiative being co-led by Al and John Austin from the Michigan Economic Center.
News & Events
AWRI in the News
“In the weeds: Researchers tackle water plant problems with DHA”
GV Magazine, November 2014
AWRI and graduate student Syndell Parks were featured in an article about DNA testing of aquatic plants.
“Contractor group names Excellence in Construction award winners”
MiBiz, November 7, 2014
Contractor Erhardt Construction Company of Ada, received an Excellence in Construction award from the Associated Builders and Contractors - Western Michigan Chapter for the construction of the new AWRI Field Station.
“West Michigan poised to make splash in ‘blue economy’”
Holland Sentinel, November 8, 2014
AWRI is a partner in the Blue Economy development.
“Drones could help assess, improve West Michigan water quality, expert says”
MLive, November 10, 2014
John Koches was interviewed concerning the use of drones in improving water quality.
LMC Events
Nov 7
A reception was held at the LMC prior to the 5 p.m. sneak preview of the (made in Muskegon) movie “Pilot Error” at the Harbor Cinema. This feature drama was largely shot in the Muskegon/White Lake community. Key locations include Muskegon Community College, AWRI, the Muskegon County Airport, the Shoreline Inn, Harbor Towne, and the Lake Michigan waterfront.
Nov 12
Brandon Harris, graduate student working with Carl Ruetz, successfully defended his master’s thesis at the LMC with a presentation titled: “Population status and movements of lake sturgeon in the Muskegon River system, Michigan”
Nov 13
A NOAA Habitat Blueprint Project workshop titled “Muskegon Research and Restoration Connectivity” was held at the LMC.
Nov 14
Series Seminar: Dr. Alisha Davidson, CILER postdoc fellow at Wayne State University, presented: "Mapping cumulative risks to prioritize invasive species monitoring efforts"
Nov 17
Jesse Wesolek, graduate student working with Carl Ruetz, successfully defended her master’s thesis at the LMC with a presentation titled: “Genetic structure of yellow perch populations in coastal areas of eastern Lake Michigan”
Nov 24
Michael Snider, graduate student working with Bopi Biddanda, successfully defended his master’s thesis at the LMC with a presentation titled: “Photophysiological studies of cyanobacterial mats in submerged sinkholes of Lake Huron”