#233 Newsletter - May, June, and July 2023

Some of the summer interns pictured, top left to right: Logan Clark, Jacquie Molloseau, Meryl Luoma-Mannisto, Jacob Yingling
John Lawrence, Gabriella Loisch, Kyle McKee, Kaylynne Dennis,
Carly Thayer, Jacob Bartell, Randy Lewis
Allie Romanski, Ryan Ruppert, Christopher Kotkowicz, and Emma Haney
One of the joys of summer at AWRI is our student intern program. This summer, we welcomed 17 student interns to the Institute. These students are funded by a variety of sources and work with different principal investigators/faculty.
The R.B. Annis Foundation funded Emma Haney (worked with Kevin Strychar), Kyle McKee (worked with Bopi Biddanda), and John Lawrence (worked with Carl Ruetz). The Herbert L. VanderMey Endowment funded Carly Thayer (worked with Charlyn Partridge). The Allen I. & Helen J. Hunting Research Scholarship funded Jacquie Molloseau, Allison Passejna, and Allison Romanski (worked with Al Steinman).
Additional interns who worked at AWRI this summer, were funded through various research projects: Kaylynne Dennis (worked with Bopi Biddanda); Meryl Luoma-Mannisto (worked with Christina Catanese); Ryan Ruppert (worked with Sarah Hamsher); Jacob Bartell and Logan Clark (worked with Mark Luttenton); Isabelle Uganski (worked with Rachel Orzechowski of NOAA) Jacob Yingling (worked with Carl Ruetz); Gabriella Loisch (worked with Charlyn Partridge); Randy Lewis (worked with Rick Rediske); and Christopher Kotkowicz (worked with Kevin Strychar).
Our internship program and grant funded student research positions have provided countless students the opportunity to be involved in hands-on research with AWRI faculty researchers. Each student benefits personally and professionally by participating in this high-impact educational experience.
A special thanks to all these bright, young researchers for their hard work and dedication, and a heartfelt thank you to our generous and supportive funders!
May Activities:
A team of Science Instructors represented AWRI at the” STEAM Along the Lakeshore” event in Muskegon on May 6th.
A team of Science Instructors represented AWRI at the Groundswell Project Showcase in Grand Rapids on May 18th.
Members of the Biddanda Lab participated in the spring Muskegon Lake cruise on board W.G. Jackson on May 15th.
Bopi Biddanda participated in a workshop titled “Decadal scale science strategy for the Great Lakes: GL decadal planning” on May 9th. This was a session at the 66th annual conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research held in Toronto, Canada. https://iaglr.org/iaglr2023/
Bopi Biddanda attended and participated in the “65 years of US Fulbright-Spain Conference” on May 31st in Washington DC.
Bopi Biddanda reviewed manuscripts for the journals Journal of Great Lakes Research and Geobiology.
Bopi Biddanda was a student presentation award judge at the IAGLR 2023 conference.
Christina Catanese delivered the commencement address at her high school’s graduation ceremony on May 24th (Oakland Catholic High School in Pittsburgh, PA).
Sarah Hamsher and T. Cruz Garcia (former undergrad) analyzed diatom relative abundance data for a manuscript to document the condition of the Grand River with co-authors Eric Snyder (Biology) and Colin Assenmacher (former undergrad).
Sarah Hamsher developed a Women in STEM poster as part of the Biology Department’s DEIAB committee.
Kelsey Inman-Carter (undergraduate) and Davis Fray (graduate student) are analyzing next-generation sequencing data generated by Dr. Charlyn Partridge at AWRI. The metabarcoding analyses was used to explore the diatom epiphytes on starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) collected from Pentwater and Muskegon Lakes.
Mark Luttenton attended the Michigan Lakes and Stream Association’s annual conference.
Mark Luttenton met with a group of CLAS Unit Heads and Dean Drake regarding the Environmental Science Cluster.
Mark Luttenton is studying nutrient conditions in the AuSable River and Manistee River.
Mark Luttenton tagged fish for a telemetry study on the North Branch of the Au Sable River.
Mark Luttenton worked with MSU/DNR personal regarding Au Sable River resilience modeling.
Jim McNair completed a draft of a manuscript with Yucheng Feng (Auburn University) and John Hart dealing with estimating temporal decay or degradation rates of E. coli and a few Bacteroidales genetic markers in stream water with and without sediment.
Jim McNair worked on a manuscript with Dan Frobish, Emma Rice, and Ryan Thum, dealing with plotless study designs and nonparametric statistical methods for adaptive management studies of invasive plants.
Jim McNair submitted an abstract titled “Validity assessment of Michigan’s proposed qPCR threshold value for monitoring E. coli contamination at beaches” for the 2023 annual meeting of the American Water Resources Association.
Charlyn Partridge and Kate Geller travelled to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore to train their crews on changing out their trap samples on May 11th.
Charlyn Partridge attended the MLSA conference May 5-6th at Crystal Mountain Resort. The attendees were very excited about the student session (It was the most popular one of the days). Everyone did well and represented AWRI very well. The conference will be held in Muskegon next year.
Rick Rediske was the EMCEE for the dedication of the AJ Birkbeck Memorial Bench on the White Pine Trail near the Former Wolverine Worldwide Tannery. He also awarded the first AJ Birkbeck Scholarship to a MS student studying the formation of PFAS foam at WMU. AJ Birkbeck was the legal advisor/strategist for the citizen’s group that exposed the PFAS pollution from tannery waste disposal in the Rockford Area.
The Ruetz lab completed long-term monitoring of fishes in Muskegon Lake.
Carl Ruetz worked on a book chapter about fishes in coastal wetlands of large, freshwater lakes.
Carl Ruetz attended the Freshwater Sciences meeting in Brisbane, Australia.
Carl Ruetz reviewed a manuscript for the journal Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology and a proposal for the Great Lakes Fishery Trust.
Ryan Ruppert, undergraduate student in the Hamsher lab, worked on a National Science Foundation sponsored project this summer to explore the organellar genomes of diatoms.
Al Steinman attended meetings with GVSU Development in relation to the AWRI fundraising campaign in May.
Al Steinman attended a virtual meeting with the US National Academy of Sciences for the everglade’s restoration oversight committee.
Al Steinman was in Chicago for the Great Lakes Advisory Board (work group on climate resiliency for next GLRI Action Plan).
Al Steinman attended a virtual meeting of the Ottawa County Water Quality Committee.
Al Steinman attended several Community meetings for the West MI Symphony and Goodwill Boards during the month of May.
Al Steinman was interviewed by a Saugatuck High School student about microplastics for their Environmental Science AP class.
Kevin Strychar worked on a manuscript with Rick Rediske, Jim McNair, Charlyn Partridge, and several students here at AWRI comparing IFCM vs other methods for characterizing live vs. dead E. coli cells.
Amanda Syers attended the Groundswell Advisory Council meeting.
Sean Woznicki worked on revisions to a paper with Sarah Hamsher on species distribution modeling of starry stonewort (Biological Invasions).
Sean Woznicki worked on revisions to a paper with Amanda Buday and Dani DeVasto on community perceptions of AOC restorations in Muskegon and White Lake.
June Activities:
AWRI hosted a professional development workshop for teachers on building Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles. The workshop was organized by Square One Education Network and it took place in the R.B Annis Foundation Classroom.
Bopi Biddanda served on graduate student, Davis Fray’s, master thesis committee. Davis Fray defended his thesis Microbial Mat Diversity in June.
Mark Luttenton completed the week-long wetland delineation course offered by the Wetland Training Institute in Portage WI. The course is taught by retired Corp of Engineer wetland office staff.
Jim McNair worked on a manuscript with Dan Frobish, Emma Rice, and Ryan Thum, dealing with plotless study designs and nonparametric statistical methods for adaptive management studies of invasive plants.
Jim McNair worked on a manuscript with Jiyeon Suh (GVSU Math) and Dean DeNicola (Slippery Rock University) dealing with impacts of scale-dependent disturbance on the stochastic dynamics of ecological communities.
The Partridge Lab monitored 100 eDNA traps for hemlock woolly adelgid.
Charlyn Partridge worked with the Rediske lab for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to extend the COVID grant for another year.
Charlyn Partridge’s lab worked with the Gun Lake trip on both sturgeon and wild rice projects.
Charlyn Partridge’s paper looking at differential gene expression in the mammary gland tissue of rats that have experienced hypogravity (i.e., they were flown to the space station) compared to those experience normal gravity (Osman Patel (CMB) as lead) was accepted to the journal Biomolecules.
The outreach program was invited to be part of a partnership hosted by the Lakeshore Museum to provide funding to Muskegon County schools to support their transportation to STEAM experiences in Muskegon. The Lakeshore Museum received a grant from the Howmet Foundation to provide $200 per school per grade to offset transportation costs of field trips. Other organizations involved in the partnership include the Hackley Public Library, the Lakeshore Fab Lab at Muskegon Community College, the Muskegon Museum of Art, and the Silversides Museum. AWRI was able to provide this opportunity to 8 Muskegon County schools who participated in our outreach program during Spring 2023 (Ravenna Middle School and High School, Three Oaks Public, Muskegon Heights, Innovative Learning Center, Mona Shores Middle School, and Reeths-Puffer Elementary School and Middle School).
Rick Rediske attended the public hearing on the Rockford Tannery PFAS Treatment Plan on June 6 and provided public comment. He also drafted a comment letter on behalf of the Wolverine Community Advisory Group and submitted it to EGLE.
Carl Ruetz became a Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Rivers and Floodplains (specialty section of Frontiers in Freshwater Science).
Carl Ruetz worked on a book chapter about fish in coastal wetlands of large freshwater lakes.
Carl Ruetz reviewed a manuscript for the journal Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology and a grant proposal for the Great Lakes Fishery Trust.
Al Steinman attended Project Clarity’s 10-year Anniversary celebration in Holland, MI on June 6.
Al Steinman attended a Project Clarity meeting at AWRI regarding the monitoring buoy on June 12.
Al Steinman went on a Consumer’s Foundation sponsored W.G. Jackson cruise in honor of Carolyn Bloodworth’s retirement on June 15.
Al Steinman attended virtually the International Joint Commission meeting to discuss the Ecosystem Services Valuation Project on June 20.
Al Steinman attended the Great Lakes Protection Fund - Great Lakes Impact Workshop in Evanston, IL on June 21.
Al Steinman attended virtually the Mona Lake Advisory Committee meeting to discuss the watershed management plan on June 22.
Al Steinman attended the Alliance for Great Lakes board meeting in Chicago, IL on June 23.
Al Steinman attended monthly Community meetings throughout the month of June for West MI Symphony and Goodwill.
Amanda Syers attended virtually the GLOBE Midwest Partners Summer Meeting.
The W.G. Jackson visited two Indiana ports from June 17-23. Though the Jackson has visited 34 ports of call over the past 25 years, this is the first time the vessel has taken an away trip since 2019, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The vessel first visited Hammond (in partnership with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management), followed by Michigan City (hosted by the Sanitary District of Michigan City).
Sean Woznicki conducted fieldwork and held meetings in Serbia (June 18-23) with collaborators and other faculty at the University of Novi Sad (Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Water Management).
Sean Woznicki discussed potential collaborations with colleagues in Bulgaria (Space Research and Technology Institute-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) stemming from NASA-Danube work.
July Activities:
Bopi Biddanda attended and participated in a public hearing on the City of Muskegon’s Source Water Intake Protection Plan held at AWRI on July 11.
Bopi Biddanda attended the annual Executive Board meeting of Michigan Space Grant Consortium in Port Huron on July 20-21. Bopi serves on the Executive Board of MSGC and as GVSU’s Affiliate Representative to MSGC.
Travis Ellens, Carl Ruetz’s graduate assistant, successfully defended his thesis on July 11. The title of his thesis, “Seasonal impacts on top-down effects of fish on benthic macroinvertebrates and periphyton in a Michigan stream”.
Mark Luttenton attended the quarterly Board meeting of the Anglers of the Au Sable in July.
Mark Luttenton has been working with the GVSU personnel at the Traverse City campus to develop collaborations between AWRI and NMC.
Mark Luttenton has started a new collaboration with Jim Olson, founder of FLOW, on a new initiative focused on establishing monitoring networks within watersheds.
Charlyn Partridge reported the summer eDNA field season is going well.
The Partridge Lab, Steinman Lab, and EPA in Cincinnati, OH monitored Muskegon Lake for microcystin levels 3x per week for the harmful algal blooms project. While concentrations continue to increase, as of July 15, we were still below the 10,000 gene copies/mL needed to begin the project.
Charlyn Partridge and Elliot Fair (her technician) presented their wild rice work on July 19 at the Wild Rice Workshop hosted by Pierce Cedar Creek Institute.
Charlyn Partridge attended the quarterly board meeting for the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association on July 13.
Carl Ruetz hosted a virtual PI meeting July 6 for his GLFT-funded project titled Contribution of resident and migrant yellow perch to angler harvest in drowned river mouth lakes.
Carl Ruetz attended the Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI) 2025 Field Year on Lake Michigan Kickoff Workshop in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 20-21. The goal of the workshop is to identify key research-related information needs that could be addressed in the 2025 field year with the goal of aiding Lake Michigan management. Carl talked on drowned river mouth lakes at the workshop.
The Ruetz Lab conducted Muskegon Lake long-term fish monitoring the week of July 17.
The Steinman Lab has been sampling all summer for the Bear Lake monitoring, Mona Lake celery flat restoration, Muskegon Lake long-term monitoring, and Little Black Lake, for summer intern projects.
Al Steinman met with Isabela Gonzalez (City of Muskegon intern) to be interviewed on Muskegon Lake restoration.
Al Steinman attended the Muskegon Lake Watershed Partnership meeting on July 11.
Al Steinman participated on a Wisconsin Sea Grant Panel July 19-20.
Al Steinman met with the National Academy of Sciences Everglades Oversight Committee on July 24.
Al Steinman attended several community meetings for West MI Symphony and Goodwill boards for the month of July.
Al Steinman hosted Jonathan Overpeck from the University of Michigan’s Samuel A Graham Dean of the School for Environment and Sustainability visit and presentation on July 27.
Presentations and Publications
AWRI staff are bolded, undergraduate students are denoted with a single asterisk*, graduate students are denoted with two asterisks**, and post-doc researchers are donated with three asterisks ***.
Biddanda, B., N. Dugener** and S. Ruberg. 2023. BOOK REVIEW: Egan, D “Too little and too much: Humanity’s phosphorus paradox”. IAGLR Lakes Letter Spring ’23
Dugener, N. M.**, A. D. Weinke, I. P. Stone and B. A. Biddanda. 2023. Recurringly hypoxic: Bottom water oxygen depletion is linked to temperature and precipitation in a Great Lakes Estuary. Hydrobiology, 2, 410–430. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrobiology2020027
Dugener, N. M.**, I.P. Stone, A. D. Weinke, and B. A. Biddanda. 2023. Out of oxygen: Temperature and loading drove hypoxia during a warm, wet, and productive year in a Great Lakes Estuary. J. Great Lakes Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2023.06.007
Hart, J.J.**, R.A. Tardani, C.R. Ruetz, and R.R. Rediske. Seems fishy: Environmental DNA impacts on Sketa22 quality control in Salmonidae dominated waterbodies using qPCR and ddPCR. Environmental Research Communications https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/acd513
Molloseau, J.* and A.D. Steinman. 2023. Chloride and phosphorus retention and release in soils surrounding a salt-contaminated lake in West Michigan, Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 38:1, 2241478, DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2023.2241478 https://doi.org/10.1080/02705060.2023.2241478
Molloseau, J. * and A.D. Steinman. In Press. Chloride and phosphorus retention in salt-contaminated soils. Journal of Freshwater Ecology.
Moore (Neuman), E.**, S. Woznicki, K. G. Karol, and S. Hamsher. Modeling of suitable habitats for starry stonewort (Nitellopsis Obtuse) in inland lakes in the Midwest and northeast U.S.A. Biological Invasions.
Bopi Biddanda gave a presentation at the 2023 annual meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research on May 9th:
Biddanda, B., A. Weinke, I. Stone, and J. Cook. Diel vertical migration in extant microbial mats optimizes oxygenation.
Nate Dugener gave a presentation at the 2023 annual meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research on May 10th:
Dugener, N.**, I. Stone, A. Weinke, and B. Biddanda. Variability in hypoxia severity is linked to temperature and precipitation in a Great Lakes estuary.
Davis Fray and Sarah Hamsher gave a presentation at the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association conference, May 5-6:
Fray, D.**, C. McGovern, D. Casamatta, B. Biddanda, and S. Hamsher. Exploring biodiversity and biogeography of microbial mat communities in low-oxygen, high sulfur springs.
Davis Fray gave a presentation at the Phycological Society of America meeting, June 25-30:
Fray, D.**, C. McGovern, D. Casamatta, B. Biddanda, and S. Hamsher. Multi-marker metabarcoding reveals increased diversity and evidence of biogeographic influence on microbial mats of low-oxygen, high-sulfur springs.
Sarah Hamsher gave a presentation at the Phycological Society of America meeting, June 25-30:
Hamsher, S., J. P. Kociolek, J. Li, S. Miller, and H. Abresch. Phylogenomics and taxonomic revision of Rhopalodiales - diatoms with obligate cyanobacterial endosymbionts. as co-authors.
Mark Luttenton gave a presentation to the Gerrish Township-Lyon Township Utility Authority regarding the current state of Higgins Lake.
Mark Luttenton gave a presentation at the Roscommon Community Library on the current status of Higgins Lake. The event was hosted by the Higgins Lake Foundation.
Mark Luttenton gave a presentation on AWRI research, faculty, and programs at the Traverse City’s Startup + Tech Hub.
Charlyn Partridge was invited to present at the 1st annual International eDNA meeting in Otsu, Japan, through the eDNA Society in Otsu, Japan. She presented the work virtually.
Partridge, C.G., M. Sanders**, K. Geller*, A. Locher, K. Dunham**, and R. Tardani. 2023. Using airborne eDNA techniques to track invasive species in high-quality hemlock forests.
Al Steinman gave a presentation to the Great Lakes Protection Fund, May 10:
Steinman, A.D. Great Lakes Protection Fund (invited). Title: Old and New Threats to the Great Lakes. Chicago, IL.
Paris Velasquez gave a presentation at the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association Annual Conference, May 6:
Velasquez, P.** Effects of microplastics biofilm on an anthropogenically impacted lake.
Kate Lucas gave a presentation at the Michigan Lake and Stream Association Annual Conference, May 6:
Lucas, K.** Impact of climate change and restoration on phosphorus loading in impaired wetlands.
Rick Rediske gave a presentation at the Geological Society of America North Central Section Conference, May 3-5:
Rediske, R. PFAS contamination in Northern Kent County, how the legacy use of Scotchgard impacted groundwater and surface water resources and community health.
Rick Rediske presented a paper at the Society for Industrial Archeology Conference 51st Annual Conference on June 10:
Rediske, R. Using the Past to Restore the Present.
AWRI researchers and students gave several poster presentations at the Wastewater Surveillance Conference, May 17-18:
Alexis M. Porter and Charlyn G. Partridge. Changing tides: West Michigan based genomic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 variants in wastewater.
Alexis M. Porter, John J. Hart**, Richard R. Rediske, and David C. Szlag. SARS-CoV-2 wastewater monitoring on University Campuses: A comparative study on effective intervention strategies for public health guidance.
Renee Tardani, Alexis Porter, and Richard Rediske. Muskegon Resource Recovery Center (MCRRC). Go with the flow for wastewater data normalization: Comparing normalized and non-normalized SARs-CoV2 viral load and physicochemical parameters in Muskegon and Ottawa Counties.
Nicholas Castle, Josie Kuhlman, Michael Vu, John J. Hart**, Megan Jamison, David C. Szlag. Can fecal indicators with flow normalize SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater?
Michael Vu, John J. Hart**, Nicholas Castle, Josie Kuhlman, Megan N. Jamison, Jim N. McNair, David C. Szlag. Frequency and degradation of SARS-CoV-2 markers N1, N2, and E in sewage.
Simran Singh, Nishita D’Souza, Kelly Geith, Alexis Porter, and Erin Dreelin. The Michigan Network for Environmental Health and Technology (MiNET). Tracking wastewater ddPCR variant trends across Michigan from 2021 to 2022.
Carl Ruetz gave a presentation at the Freshwater Sciences 2023 conference in Brisbane, Australia, June 3-7: Ruetz, C.R., III, T. Hoyt**, and M. Mader. 2023. Fish use of freshwater river mouths in Lake Michigan, USA.
Al Steinman presented at a Leadership dinner for the AWRI campaign at Marge Potter’s home on June 28.
Al Steinman presented at a Leadership dinner for the AWRI campaign at Tony and Monica Verplank’s home on July 25.
Jillian Greene gave a presentation at the Michigan Lakes and Streams conference, May 5:
Greene, J. and S. Woznicki. Using remote sensing for water quality monitoring across Michigan’s inland lakes.
Sean Woznicki gave a presentation titled “Water scarcity in the Serbian Danube: Agricultural land use change and irrigation” at the NASA Land Cover and Land Use Change (LCLUC) Science Team Meeting and Carbon Cycle and Ecosystem Science Joint Science Workshop on May 9.
Sean Woznicki gave presentations titled “Remotely sensed water quality in Michigan’s inland lakes” & “Water scarcity in the Serbian Danube” at the BioSense Institute, Novi Sad, Serbia. June 21, 2023.
Sean Woznicki presented “Water Scarcity in the Serbian Danube: Agricultural Land Use and Irrigation” at the SCERIN-10 Workshop. Brno, Czechia. June 27, 2023; and “Integrating remotely sensed data into hydrological/water quality models” (lecture and practical training session). NASA/ESA TransAtlantic Training. Hosted by Masaryk University Brno and Charles University Prague. Invited. Brno, Czechia, June 30.
Grants, Contracts, Awards, and Recognition
R.B. Annis Foundation. Funding to support the Annis Intern Fund. $15,000.
No awards or recognitions at this time.
AWRI News and Events
AWRI was mentioned as assisting with the BeBot cleanup program in:
“New beach cleanup robot targets microplastics”. WOOD, May 11, 2023.
Eric Hecox ran the BeBot, Mark Luttenton spoke at the event, and Al Steinman was quoted regarding plastics in the environment in:
“AWRI helping keep Muskegon beach clean with robots”. GVNext, May 12, 2023.
Al Steinman is quoted regarding the delisting of Muskegon Lake as an Area of Concern in: “Two generations and $70 million later, Muskegon Lake is restored”. Michigan Waterfront Alliance May 15, 2023
Bopi Biddanda was interviewed regarding his recent work on daily movements in microbial mats found in Lake Huron by: Sharon Oosthoek, Science Says what? Bacteria in Lake Huron sinkholes do a daily tango. Great Lakes Now, Detroit Public TV, June 29, 2023. https://www.greatlakesnow.org/2023/06/science-says-what-bacteria-lake-huron-sinkhole-daily-tango/
AWRI partnered with other groups during beach clean-up events and brought the Pixie Water Cleanup Robot, noted in:
“Help restore Muskegon Lake habitat at several upcoming workdays”.
MLIVE, July 11, 2023
AWRI was mentioned as the water testing site for E. coli, noted in:
“E. coli contamination advisory issued for park on Muskegon Lake”
MLIVE, July 14, 2023
Also reported on Wood TV 8, July 14, 2023
Alexis Porter was interviewed about E. coli bacteria testing, reported in:
“Muskegon Co. beach still 'swim at your own risk' until E. coli contamination abates” WZZM 13, July 17, 2023. Muskegon Co. beach still under advisory amid contamination concerns
May 1 – AWRI Summer Intern Orientation – AV Classroom (9:00 am-12:00 pm)
May 1 - West Michigan Symphony Governance Board Meeting – Bultema (10:00 am -12:00 pm)
May 2 – WMEAC Climate Action Taskforce Meeting – AV Classroom (10:00 am – 11:00 am)
May 2 - Muskegon Lake Watershed Partnership – MPR (12:00 – 1:00 pm)
May 4 – GVSU’s Citizen Social Science Training – AV Classroom (5:30-7:30 pm)
May 11 – GVSU’s Housing Staff Retreat – Bultema (9:00 am – 4:00 pm)
May 11 - GVSU’s Citizen Social Science Training – AV Classroom (5:30-7:30 pm)
May 16 – Dr. Ashley Moerke, AWRI Luncheon – MPR (12:00 – 1:30 pm)
May 16 – Dr. Ashley Moerke Research Presentation – MPR (2:00 – 3:00 pm)
May 18 - Citizen Social Science Training - AV Classroom (5:30 – 7:30 pm)
May 23 – EGLE Meeting – Bultema (10:00 am – 12:00 pm)
May 31 – Dr. Carol Stephien Research Presentation – MPR (2:00 – 3:00 pm)
June 5 – West Michigan Symphony, Governance Mtg. – Bultema (10:00 am – 12:00 pm)
June 8 – AWRI CPR/First Aid/AED Training – MPR (10:00 am – 1:00 pm)
June 21 – ROV Teacher Workshop – Lab Classroom (8:00 am – 5:00 pm)
June 22 - ROV Teacher Workshop – Lab Classroom (8:00 am – 5:00 pm)
June 23 – Graduate Student, Davis Fray’s Thesis Presentation – MPR (2:00 – 3:00 pm)
July 10 - West Michigan Symphony, Governance Mtg. – Bultema (10:00 am – 12:00 pm)
July 11 – City of Muskegon SWIPP Public Forum – MPR (8:30 – 9:30 am)
July 11 – Muskegon Lake Watershed Partnership – MPR (12:00 – 1:00 pm)
July 11 – Graduate Student, Travis Ellens Thesis Presentation – AV Classroom (2:00 – 3:00 pm)
July 14 – MSU Extension ServSafe Manager Training – MPR (8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
July 19 – 20 Plankton/Algae Course, EGLE - AV Classroom (8:00 am – 5:00 pm)
July 21 – GVSU’s Student Success Center Staff Meeting – Bultema (1:00 – 4:00 pm)
July 27 – Jonathan Overpeck Seminar – MPR (2:00 – 3:00 pm)
July 28 – Rick Rediske’s Retirement Gathering – MPR (3:00 – 4:30 pm)