Mecosta County Groundwater Project - Project Information

Introduction l Project Information l Project Products l Contacts


AWRI is conducting an environmental analysis of well water in Mecosta County with funding from the Ice Mountain Stewardship Fund of the Fremont Area Community Foundation. The focus is on this region because of:

  1. Concerns over groundwater withdrawal in the area.
  2. The number of wells and potential for contamination in the County.
  3. The potential influence of groundwater in this region on the surface water of the watershed.
  4. AWRI's ability to apply knowledge and skill in GIS, well database analysis, groundwater modeling, and water quality/chemical analysis to the well database in Mecosta County.

Homeowners, industries, and the Health Department are potential beneficiaries from this study. The study will provide critical information on health hazards in the County and groundwater supplies. In addition, this information will be transferable to other subbasins in the Muskegon River Watershed regarding potential impacts of water withdrawal on surface water quantity.

Main Goals:

  1. Create a GIS (Geographic Information System) database of groundwater hydrology in Mecosta County.
  2. Sample a statistically-determined subset of wells for water quality and coliform bacteria.
  3. Develop a conceptual groundwater model for the region.

Page last modified August 19, 2014