Affiliate Professor Amory Orchard

Ph.D., English: Rhetoric and Composition, Florida State U
M.A., English Studies, Ball State U
B.A., English-Rhetoric and Writing, Ball State U

313 LOH | 331-8543 |
[email protected]


Amory Orchard is originally from Muncie, Indiana, known as the home of Garfield the Cat and glass Ball jars. In addition to teaching first-year writing, Amory has a background teaching a variety of college-level writing courses, including creative writing, historical text technologies, digital design, and writing center tutoring. Her research focuses on academic labor and explores how stakeholders experience inclusive pedagogies and "belonging" within educational settings. Her work has appeared in the edited collection Exploring the Teaching of Writing in Online and Hybrid Spaces (2024) from WAC Clearinghouse. In her spare time, Amory enjoys bird-watching, going on long hikes, and trying out new air fryer recipes.

headshot of Amory Orchard

Page last modified August 20, 2024