Senior Affiliate Professor Dauvan Mulally

Ph.D., Indiana U of Pennsylvania

310 LOH | 331-3547 |
[email protected]


Dauvan Mulally teaches courses in first-year writing, professional writing, business communication, graduate school preparation and paired interdisciplinary learning communities focused on nature and college transition. She oversees the Writing Department's Internship program and co-coordinates the Advisory Board. She also serves as a Pew FTLC faculty facilitator for the Internships: Approaches, Strategies, and Best Practices Learning Community, is a member of the university’s First-Year Learning Community Advisory Board and the CLAS Task Force on Internships.

Her research interests include first-year writing pedagogy, developmental writing, teacher development, writing program administration, internships, writing transfer, learning communities and experiential learning. Her work has been published in Teaching English in the Two-Year College and other edited collections. She is founder and current chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication’s Internship Special Interest Group. Her current scholarly projects focus on the benefits of using a nature-based learning approach in first-year writing courses and helping interns and supervisors negotiate the promises and perils of remote internships.

In 2019, she received the Annual Outstanding Internship Advocate of the Year Award from the GVSU Career Center and was nominated by her department for the university’s Annual Outstanding Academic Advising Award in 2018. She loves helping students improve their college-level writing skills and aiding them in successfully transitioning into college and later into their work lives.

Headshot of Dauvan Mulally

Page last modified September 20, 2024