Affiliate Professor David Linden

M.A., English Language and Literature, U of Michigan--Flint
B.A., English--Writing Specialization, U of Michigan--Flint

B-4-213 MAK | 331-3254 |
[email protected]


David Linden has taught courses in first year writing, business communication, technical writing, writing for STEM, and scholarly writing in healthcare and nursing. At GVSU, he teaches courses in first year writing and business communication. A former Writing Center Tutor, Dave is a staunch advocate for the work and impact of university writing centers and their consultants. His further scholarly interest lies in transferrable across-curriculum writing skills. In his family life, Dave has been married to his wife Kris for 35 years, and they have three adult children, Calvin, Margaux, and Joel—who is a GV alum and former Laker football player. Dave is also a proud Papa to granddaughters Macie and Addison, with a third granddaughter due September 2024.

Headshot of Dave Linden

Page last modified August 20, 2024