Affiliate Professor Emily Beckwith

Ph.D., English: Modern British Literature Studies (19th-21st Century), U of Georgia
M.A., English Literature and Culture, Oregon State U
B.A., English, Carleton College

201 LOH | 331- 3602 |  
[email protected]

Emily Beckwith teaches first-year writing at GVSU and has a research background in nineteenth-century British literature, periodical studies, and British women writers. Her teaching philosophy centers on cultivating communities of writers through collaborative learning. You can find two of her first-year writing lesson plans in Dynamic Activities for First-Year Composition and her literary scholarship in Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction. When she’s not in the classroom or developing new ways to engage and support her students, you can find her nurturing her houseplants, playing board games, or enjoying the great outdoors.

Headshot of Emily Beckwith

Page last modified September 12, 2024