Visiting Professor Lisa McNeilley

Ph.D., Wayne State U
M.A., Eastern Michigan U
B.B.A., U of Michigan
303 LOH | 331-9098 |
[email protected]


Lisa McNeilley is returning to teaching after running her own writing consulting business, Writer's Alley, LLC, which involved conducting writing workshops for business professionals and students, ghostwriting, editing, and content writing. She was awarded grants from the Wege Foundation and the Michigan College Access Network for her Need to Know College Success Workshop (Lakeshore Technical, 2020, 2nd edition). Lisa is co-director of an annual storytelling event called Mom Always Says, which raises funds for Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children, and she has developed a trauma-informed therapeutic writing program for teens funded by a Victims of Crimes Act grant. She is also co-author of What I Can Do and DB Cooper and Me. In the past, Lisa organized a national writing competition and served as editor of Imagine This! An Artprize Anthology as part of the international arts competition. Her college teaching experience includes first-year writing, basic writing, business and technical writing, literature, and humanities courses. At GVSU, she is teaching Business Communication and Writing in the Global Context.

Headshot of Lisa McNeilley

Page last modified September 24, 2024