Students and Community

GVSU is committed to acting with integrity, operating transparently, and holding itself accountable for performance. This commitment is embedded in the strategic planning process, implemented in academic and operational practices, and outcomes shared in publications such as the annual Accountability Report. The University Policies website is the authoritative location for policies approved by the University’s Board of Trustees (formerly housed in the "Administrative Manual") and President’s Cabinet (formerly housed in the "Grand Valley Manual") and certain other policies such as those contained in the Faculty Handbook and Student Code.

GVSU also seeks to provide easy access to information we are required to disclose to current and prospective students, families, current and prospective employees and the community.  The purpose of this website is to make required disclosures and other helpful resources readily available, packaged in a manner that's consistent with The Higher Education Act (as amended) and other Federal and State regulations.

Below are links to material of special interest to students, families and the general public.  Refer to the  Faculty and Staff page for information especially relevant for employees.  Please Contact Us with questions about the site or to make suggestions for improvements.

General Institutional Information

Assessment at Grand Valley

Budget and Performance Transparency Reporting

Consumer Information on College Navigator Site*

  • *This link connects the user to the U.S. Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics, which provides 26 types of information about GVSU, e.g., tuition, financial aid, net price, enrollment, admissions, retention and graduation rates, programs/majors, varsity athletic teams, accreditation, campus security and cohort default rates.

Computing Conditions of Use

Copyright - File Sharing

Copyright Infringement-Policies and Sanctions ("Digital Media Policy")

Department of Education- State Authorizations and On Line Programs

Educational Programs A-D

Educational Programs E-L

Educational Programs M-Z

Enrollment History

Facilities and Resources for Students with Disabilities

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships

Instructional Facilities

Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act)

Collection of Mobile Phone Numbers
Grand Valley State University collects mobile phone numbers from students, faculty, and staff.  These mobile phone numbers are not shared outside of the university and are used within the university to:

  • assist with GVSU network password resets
  • share university internal communications (text and phone calls)
  • allow notifications through GVSU’s emergency contact notification system

Military Service Members

  • Principles of Excellence:  GVSU provided the U.S. Veterans Program Administrators with confirmation of our intent to comply with Executive Order 13607 and is identified on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website as a "Principles of Excellence" school.
  • Tuition Assistance Program:  GVSU signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Department of Defense and is therefore eligible to continue our participation in the Tuition Assistance Program for active duty service members.  Click on the "Participating Institutions" tab, select "Michigan" as the "State," enter 00226800 in the "Search" field, and click on "Submit" to verify our participation.

VA Education Benefits (GVSU Registrar)

Privacy of Student Records-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Student Life and Services

Student Diversity

Student Location Policy for Licensure Programs
         Disclosures for Professional Licensure and Certification

Dept. of Education - Tier 2 Compliance (Cash Management)

Title IX Coordinator

Transfer Student Information

Voter Registration

Cost of Attendance

Cost of Attendance

Net Price Calculator

Textbook Information and Cost (select term, course subject and number, then click on “Textbook Information” under the course section to view detail)

Constitution Day

Constitution Day is an American federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. It is normally observed on September 17, the day in 1787 that delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document in Philadelphia. Each year, the Hausenstein Center at GVSU hosts an education event in commemoration of Constitution Day. The list of events can be found at Past Constitution Day Events.

Financial Assistance for Students

Graduation and Retention (Student Outcomes)

Career and Job Placement Services

Graduate and Professional Education Placement for Graduates (From the Resources drop down tab select Graduate Outcomes to view our current First Destination Annual Report).

Graduation and Transfer-Out Rates for Students Receiving Athletically Related Student Aid (Student Right-to-Know Act)*

  • *This link connects the user to an NCAA website.  Choose Grand Valley State University from the "School" list.  It isn't necessary to specify other search criteria such as conference, sport, etc.

Job Placement for Graduates ( From the Resources drop down tab select Graduate Outcomes to view our current First Destination Annual Report).

Job Placement Rates for Graduates (f From the Resources drop down tab select Graduate Outcomes to view our current First Destination Annual Report).

Graduation and Retention Rates

Licensure and Certification Exam Success Rates

Teacher Preparation Program Report (Michigan Test for Teacher Certification - Annual Institution Report)

Health and Safety

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (includes crime statistics, fire statistics,  safety and security policies)

Crime Logs

  • The Department of Public Safety maintains a daily crime log for the Allendale and Grand Rapids Campuses that can be reviewed in person during normal business hours at the Grand Valley Police Department in the Service Building on the Allendale campus for Allendale incidents or at the Grand Valley Security Department located at 609 Watson St SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 for incidents at the Grand Rapids Campuses, Meijer Campus, Detroit Campus, the Muskegon and Traverse City Campuses.  A printed copy will be provided upon request by contacting the Grand Valley Police Department at (616)331-3255.  

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Fire Log

The Facilities Services Safety Manager maintains the log of fires that have occurred in Allendale Campus student housing.  The log for the Allendale Campus may be viewed at the Facilities Services customer service desk in the Service Building.  A printed copy will be provided upon request by contacting Facilities Services at (616) 331-3000.  The daily fire log for the Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids Campus is maintained at the Grand Valley Department of Public Safety - Grand Rapids Campuses located at 609 Watson St SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504.  A printed copy will be provided upon request by contacting the Department of Public Safety during normal business hours at (616) 331-3255.

Vaccination Policies

  • Review the Campus Health Center website for information about recommended immunizations at Grand Valley State University.
  • Study Abroad
  • Contact the appropriate department for immunization requirements pertaining to a specific academic program, such as Athletic Training, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Study Abroad, etc.

European Union - General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union and the European Economic Area.

Grand Valley State University (GVSU) is committed to protecting personal data of European Union residents in compliance with the regulation that went into effect May 25, 2018.

GVSU departments that collect, use and/or share personal data maintain their own privacy disclosures and consent which address GDPR.  These documents can be found here:

Office of Sponsored Programs – Human Research

Padnos International Center – Study Abroad

Padnos International Center – International Students

Human Resources



University Marketing – GVSU website


International Student Consent- Faculty Use

Program Integrity (Consumer Protection)

Grand Valley State University encourages students and prospective students with complaints involving institutional policies and/or consumer protection issues to first address their concerns with staff in the appropriate office, department or college whose area of responsibility covers the complaint.  The University's administration will be involved as needed to address the complaint.

Pursuant to the state authorization provision of the Program Integrity Regulations (34 C.F.R. 668.43) established by the Department of Education on October 29, 2010, the following contact information is provided for filing complaints that remain unresolved after engaging in the above-referenced process. Complaints concerning broad institutional academic practices, such as those that raise issues regarding the University's ability to meet accreditation standards, may be forwarded to The Higher Learning Commission at 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604-1413.  Complaints concerning consumer protection violations may be directed to the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Michigan, Consumer Protection Division, P.O. Box 30213, Lansing, MI 48909-7713.


Page last modified September 11, 2024