Why We Give: To Honor Those Who Serve

Secchia Family

Peter Secchia was a proud and grateful veteran of the United States Marine Corps. He loved his country and community, and dedicated much of his life to improving them in any way he could. He also valued education, from K-12 to college, and he took his philanthropy seriously, investing in things that would pay off for others. When it came time for his family to carry on Peter’s work and passions in a way that would make him proud, Grand Valley’s commitment to veteran support seemed like a perfect opportunity.

Thanks to the Secchia family, The Peter Secchia Military and Veterans Program will create a veteran-inclusive community at GVSU, taking the university’s national recognition as a veteran-friendly university to a new level. 

When it comes to veterans, Joan Secchia knows very well that it is more about what veterans deserve than what they need.

“The need will vary from person to person, but all veterans deserve our respect, our gratitude, and the resources to create a good life for themselves and their families post-service.” says Peter’s wife, Joan Secchia. “Our veterans embody notions that are becoming all too rare these days—notions like sacrifice, service before self, duty, and honor. We are better for them and all they stand for."

The Secchias hope their gift will demonstrate the gratitude they feel for veterans’ service and sacrifice, as well as reflect the immense pride they feel for the selflessness and bravery of our veterans.

“We hope this gift will ease their financial burden and provide them with a hand-up as they design their futures and embark on productive, rewarding careers.” says Joan.

Why Grand Valley for veteran education? The family trusts the educators and leaders of GVSU to create and run a program that will not just open doors, but also usher and support veterans through those doors. They believe the university has the expertise, the professionals, and the heart to accomplish that goal.

Joan sums her ‘why we give’ best.

“We owe our veterans many demonstrations of our gratitude for carrying the burden of defending the freedoms and rights of the people of the United States. Our gift is one way to show them how grateful we are.”


Page last modified June 16, 2021