KCON students plan community health screening

Five women nursing students sitting and posing behind a table.
Kirkhof College of Nursing students are pictured at the SouthTown Community Health Screening.
Image credit - Valerie Wojciechowski
nursing student laughing with health screening participant
Image credit - Valerie Wojciechowski
nursing student taking blood pressure reading
Image credit - Valerie Wojciechowski

Kirkhof College of Nursing students and faculty members were instrumental in sponsoring and planning a health event for 200 Grand Rapids residents.

The SouthTown Community Health Screening was held April 4 at Madison Place. Grace Huizinga, assistant professor of nursing, said students spent months planning the first-time event.

Huizinga and students in her community nursing class met regularly with event partners to plan blood pressure screenings, eyesight assessments, register people for mammographies and share healthy eating tips, among other activities.

Other sponsors were Seeds of Promise, Mercy Health, and SouthTown Soulfood Restaurant. Grand Rapids' SouthTown area starts at Wealthy Street south to Dickinson Street, and Buchanan Avenue west to Fuller Avenue.


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