Take the GVSU virtual Admissions tour and experience Allendale's beautiful campus

Visiting campus is a great way for new and prospective students and their families to experience the Laker Effect. Visiting campus is now possible virtually, with a video tour of the Allendale Campus.
Javi Carrillo, a junior and sport management major, serves as tour guide, stopping at all the popular spots and answering questions about campus.
The tour features the Kirkhof Center, Fieldhouse, living centers, Mary Idema Pew Library, Lubbers Student Services Center, Laker Bookstore, the Arboretum and nature trails, Little Mac Bridge and much more.
Advising and registration sessions for Fall 2020 are being held online through individual video-conference appointments. First-year students can sign up for a one-on-one appointment with a professional advisor.
Visit www.gvsu.edu/admissions for more information.
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