Why Physics?

Physicists are explorers of the physical universe seeking to understand the fundamental behavior of nature from elementary particles to galaxies. 

Physics, as a natural science, is a core component of a liberal education, and learning science requires the development and application of critical thinking skills to the natural and man-made world. The members of the physics department are devoted to learning and teaching about the ways in which the physical aspects of our existence can be understood and shaped by qualitative and quantitative reasoning within the framework of physics, the foundation of the natural sciences.

Click on the link:  Why Study Physics?

Careers in Physics

Data from American Institute of Physics (AIP) Statistical Research:

Employment data for bachelor's degree recipients

Who’s Hiring Physics PhDs?

Who's Hiring Physics Bachelors?

Why study physics at GVSU?

  • Physics department provides an excellent liberal education experience for GVSU students with student tailored physics courses and programs, and mentored research experiences with faculty. Faculty  and students participate in a variety of physics outreach activities throughout the year to promote science education in Michigan and especially to create an interest in physics among middle and high school students.
  • Our active, enthusiastic, and caring faculty are engaged in excellent teaching, scholarly activities, and community service. Faculty actively pursue cutting-edge academic research projects with the students. Research interests of our faculty include acoustics, astronomy and astrophysics, atomic physics, plasma physics, condensed matter physics, physics education, gravitation and cosmology, nuclear physics, quantum computation, and biophysics.. 
  • Smaller size upper division physics classes provide personal attention to each student from our outstanding faculty. We have excellent lab facilities in atomic physics, photonics, and solid state physics. Physics majors complete a supervised research project in their senior year. All our students present their work in national and/or local conferences (e.g, GVSU showcase, American Physical Society meeting) and also some publish papers in peer reviewed journals. 
  • Our physics graduates have found well paying jobs in physics education and in industry after graduation. Many also have gone to prestigious colleges and universities in the US to get their PhD in physics. To learn more check out  our "Physics Alumni Profile."

We are always looking for interested and motivated students who are enthusiastic about physics and who want to pursue an undergraduate degree in physics. Explore our website for details. If you are interested please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Physics Faculty Spotlights

Dr. Bradley Ambrose Spotlight

Dr. Bradley Ambrose

Professor of Physics. Research interest is in Physics Education.

View More Physics Faculty Spotlights

Physics Help Corner

Need help with your physics homework?

 Visit "Physics Help Corner" for our schedule

Department News

Raising awareness of Grand Valley in India Spotlight

Raising awareness of Grand Valley in India

GVSU Faculty, staff connect with 1,200 people during a week's visit to Hyderabad, Mumbai, and Delhi in India

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AAPT Conference 2022 - Demos show
AAPT Conference 2022 - Demo Show

Page last modified January 29, 2025