Muskegon River Watershed Project - Project Information

Downloading Data from Odyssey Sensor in Tamarack Creek
agricultural field

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The Muskegon River Watershed Assembly (MRWA) is partnering with Grand Valley State University's Annis Water Resources Institute (AWRI) to implement two grant awards provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of Michigan. The Wege Foundation is providing matching funds to both of these projects through the MRWA to further project implementation and education efforts.
Muskegon River Watershed Implementation Project - project tasks include:

1. Update the existing Muskegon River Watershed Management Plan, completed by GVSU-AWRI in August 2002, to meet EPA's newest criteria for an approved watershed management plan.

2. Support information and education efforts.

3. Provide for a hydrologic study in the headwaters of Tamarack Creek sub-watershed (Montcalm County) to help determine the effects of land use changes on the creek's flow regime among other things.

4. Install "best management practices" (BMPs) in two critical area sub-watersheds. This will involve:
a) Establishing permanent conservation easements on vegetative buffers installed on agricultural land adjacent to Tamarack Creek minimizing agricultural/nutrient runoff to the creek. b) Designing and building infiltration trenches and raingardens on McBain High School property (Missaukee County) to help mitigate negative impacts from parking lot stormwater runoff affecting water quality in the West Branch of the Clam River. Muskegon River Watershed Education Project - project tasks include:

1. Developing a social profile for the Brooks Creek Subwatershed which will uncover issues of importance and concerns of the community. This information can be used to develop education, communication, and implementation strategies for the Muskegon River Watershed.
2. Work with local decision-makers in the Brooks Creek Subwatershed to revise existing ordinances to address the value of natural resources by protecting them. This will help to elevate poor land use decisions which can affect water quality.

Page last modified January 19, 2011