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x remove Applied Anthropology Undergraduate Certificate
Credits Required
Face To Face

Undergraduate students in this program study at Grand Valley's Allendale Campus.

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Courses in ethnographic research, applied anthropology, a relevant elective class, and an intensive 6-credit internship in the area of the student's chosen focus, are required. Students will learn how to conduct research, understand that research in an anthropological context, and get experience using the knowledge they gain for solving problems in the real world.

The CAA requires students to take 15 credits, including upper-division courses in Ethnographic Methods (ANT 400) and Applied Anthropology (ANT 420). The rest of the certificate requirements are based on individual student interest, involving one elective (from a choice of more than 30 options in 13 different disciplines) and an intensive 6-credit summer internship in a location arranged by the student and his or her anthropology department mentor.

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Career Options

Areas of specialization may include, but are not limited to:

  • Environmental issues
  • Human rights and social justice
  • Public policy and politics
  • Globalization
  • Health
  • Archaeology
  • International Business
  • Gender issues
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Application Deadline
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Skills Employers Want
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