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x remove Cannabis Operations Management Minor
Credits Required

Undergraduate students in this program study at Grand Valley's Allendale Campus or online.

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The minor is comprised of 20 credits. Required courses:

  • HTM 117 - Retail Customer Service
  • HTM 217 - Cannabis and Culture
  • HTM 242 - Cannabis Regulations and Tourism
  • HTM 317 - Responsible Cannabis Retail Operations
  • HTM 390 or HTM 490 - HTM Field Experience II or III

One from the following:

  • CJ 101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • PNH 209 - Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
  • SOC 252 - Sociology of Drug Use and Abuse
  • SW 150 - Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare

And one from the following:

  • CJ 315 - Principles of Security
  • CJ 492 - Social Justice Issues in the American Criminal Justice System
  • HTM 361 - Hospitality Law and Legislation
  • PNH 220 - Organizing to Make a Difference
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Career Options

Cannabis operations management minors can apply their education to careers in:

  • Dispensary management
  • Law and policy making
  • Supply chain and security providers
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Health care and wellness
  • Agriculture and cultivation
  • Hospitality infusions and retail sales
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Application Deadline
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Skills Employers Want
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