Photos Traveling

Photo Gallery of AEP Personnel Traveling as Part of the Project (Lower Alaska and Conferences)

All pictures were taken by AEP personnel, please feel free to use them for educational purposes.
Click on a picture for a high resolution image.

Elsewhere in Alaska

Typically the field team does a long layover (several days to weeks) in Anchorage on the way to or from the field sites.  Here are a few related photographs.

Travel Recommendations

Check out places to stay and things to see in Southern Alaska, as recommended by members of our team

From Hana

El Paso 2020

Bob, Katlyn, Jake, Hana, Mackenzie, and Sarah attended the annual ITEX-AON conference in El Paso, Texas in Spring 2020 (Jeremy also attended)

Italy 2019

Bob, Katlyn, and Hana attended the ITEX conference in Parma, Italy in fall of 2019 (Jeremy also attended).

Scotland 2018

Bob, Jake, Katlyn, and Hana (undergraduate) attended the ITEX conference in Stirling, Scotland in spring of 2018 (Jeremy also attended).

Sweden 2015

Bob and Ashley (undergraduate) attended the ITEX conference in Uppsala, Sweden in fall of 2015 (Jeremy also attended).

Switzerland 2013

Bob, Rob, Tim, Jessica, and Kelseyann (undergraduate) attended the ITEX conference in Bergun, Switzerland in fall of 2013 (Jeremy and Jenny also attended).

Montreal, Canada 2012

Tim and Jenny attended the International Polar Year conference in Montreal, Canada in Spring of 2012.

El Paso, Texas 2012

Bob, Jeremy, Tim, and Kelseyann (undergraduate) attended the ITEX conference in El Paso, Texas in winter of 2012.

Iceland 2008

Bob, Jeremy, and Rob (undergraduate) attended the ITEX conference in Reykjavik, Iceland in fall of 2008.

Page last modified February 8, 2022