Alumni Awards

The Distinguished Alumni Award

The Distinguished Alumni Award is presented to an individual who excels in their chosen profession, and whose accomplishments positively impact society, and reflect favorably upon themselves and Grand Valley State University.

The prestigious award has been given out since 1985. Alumni are nominated by faculty, staff, and their fellow alumni. A panel of members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors then selects the award recipient.

To meet the award criteria, the nominee must:

  • Be distinguished in their career
  • Possess integrity and stature
  • Show a continuing interest in GVSU and have contributed to one or more programs
  • Be a graduate
  • Have demonstrated by their actions the importance of the education they received at GVSU
  • Be graduated for a minimum of 10 years
  • Be available to attend the award ceremony
  • Not be a current member of the GVSU Board of Trustees, Foundation Board, or Alumni Association Board of Directors
  • Not be a current GVSU staff member, full-time faculty member, or those that teach more than 12 credit hours per year

Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form

The Young Alumni Award

The Young Alumni Award is presented to a recent graduate who is making outstanding contributions to society, and whose accomplishments and career reflect favorably upon themselves, their community, and Grand Valley State University.

The prestigious award has been given out since 2008. Alumni are nominated by faculty, staff, and their fellow alumni. A panel of members of the Young Alumni Council then selects the award recipient.

To meet the award criteria, the nominee must:

  • Be distinguished in their career
  • Possess integrity and stature
  • Show a continuing interest in GVSU and have contributed to one or more programs
  • Be a graduate
  • Have demonstrated by their actions the importance of the education they received at GVSU
  • Have graduated within the past 10 years
  • Be available to attend the award ceremony
  • Not be a current member of the GVSU Board of Trustees, Foundation Board, Alumni Association Board of Directors, or Young Alumni Council
  • Not be a current GVSU staff member, full-time faculty member, or those that teach more than 12 credit hours per year

Young Alumni Award Nomination Form

The Outstanding Educator Award

The Outstanding Educator Award is presented to a faculty member who has had a significant impact on the lives and careers of alumni.

Faculty are nominated by alumni. A panel of members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors then selects the award recipient.

To meet the award criteria, the nominee must:

  • Be a current faculty member at Grand Valley State University
  • Be available to attend the award ceremony
  • Not be a prior recipient of the Outstanding Educator Award

Outstanding Educator Award Nomination Form

The Outstanding Staff Award

The Outstanding Staff Award is presented to a staff member who has had a significant impact on the lives and careers of alumni. Recipients are selected by the GVSU Alumni Association Board of Directors. To meet the award criteria, the nominee must:

  • Be a current or retired staff member at Grand Valley State University
  • Be available to attend the award ceremony
  • Not be a prior recipient of the Outstanding Staff Award


The Alumni Service Award

The Alumni Service Award is presented to individuals who demonstrate outstanding service to Grand Valley State University and the Alumni Association.

Alumni are selected by the GVSU Alumni Relations staff.

To meet the award criteria, the nominee must:

  • Demonstrate outstanding service to GVSU
  • Be a GVSU graduate
  • Be available to attend the award ceremony
  • Not be a prior recipient of the Alumni Service Award
  • Not be a current member of the GVSU Board of Trustees, Foundation Board, Alumni Association Board of Directors, or Young Alumni Council

Page last modified August 14, 2024