Alumni Volunteer Opportunities


Seidman Mentorship Program

The Seidman College of Business Mentorship Program seeks alumni with professional experience in a business-related area to mentor upperclass students.

Seidman Mentorship Program Website

Cook Leadership Academy Mentors

The Cook Leadership Academy seeks alumni mentors with a wide range of professional and personal experience to pair with each fellow candidate in the program.

Cook Leadership Academy Website

Grand Connections Co-Mentoring

Grand Connections is an interdisciplinary, intergenerational community engagement initiative. It seeks to engage older adult volunteers from the community with GVSU students to foster relationships and share life experiences and skills through meaningful activities such as mentoring.

Grand Connections Website

Student Support


Help welcome our newest Lakers as they settle in to their home-away-from home and join the Grand Valley family.

Alumni Move-In Volunteers

Majors Fair

The Majors Fair is an opportunity for students to explore majors and career paths, including speaking with alumni working in various fields and industries.

Student Referral Program

Through the Be a Laker, Bring a Laker program, alumni can connect with prospective students, share Grand Valley information, and encourage them to apply.

Be a Laker, Bring a Laker Volunteers

Student Scholars Day

Join us on April 9 to celebrate the creative work performed by GVSU students. Alumni volunteers help with set up/tear down, registration, and greeting.

Sign up to volunteer

Leadership Opportunities

Alumni Board of Directors

The Board of Directors works to engage and support the Grand Valley Alumni Network, advance the goals of the university, and provide advice and support to the Alumni Relations staff.

Alumni Board of Directors

Young Alumni Council

The Young Alumni Council works to engage fellow young alumni and create a sense of community through programming and events.

Young Alumni Council

Alumni Networks

Our affinity and regional based alumni networks provide opportunities for alumni to stay connected with each other and Grand Valley.

Find my Alumni Network

Laker Ambassador Program

Laker Ambassadors encourage philanthropic support for Grand Valley State University by sharing alumni relations content and opportunities to give back to the university on their personal social media channels. By working together, we can inspire others and make a difference.

Become a Laker Ambassador

Page last modified March 10, 2025