Alumni Volunteer Leader Code of Conduct

Grand Valley State University depends on volunteer leaders who serve in a variety of roles to accomplish its educational mission. We desire to ensure that volunteer relationships with the University are clearly established and understood by all parties. The University requires the same attention to duties and responsibilities for volunteers as it does for employees of the University. 

This Code of Conduct supplements the University Volunteer Policy and the Confidentiality, Data & Security Policy, and reflects the Alumni Relations department’s continued commitment to conduct institutional practices with integrity, free from conflicts of interest, and which are in the best interest of the institution, and our students and alumni.

This policy shall apply to all Alumni Volunteer Leaders, including elected members of the GVSU Alumni Board of Directors and Young Alumni Council, as well as Alumni Network Leaders. It shall also apply to appointed, at-large, and emeritus volunteers, to all members of standing or ad-hoc alumni-related committees and task forces, and to any other volunteers in the organization’s governance structure. It has been established to help Alumni Volunteer Leaders fulfill their group’s mission and support the vision and goals of the institution and Alumni Relations.

Code of Conduct

All Alumni Volunteer Leaders must commit to working collaboratively in the best interests of their groups, Alumni Relations, and the University, and not for personal, political, third-party, or financial gain. Specifically, volunteers must agree to the following:

  • Review and adhere to all policies and procedures of the University and the Alumni Relations department. Ask for clarification if ever in doubt or need further explanation of a policy. 
  • Comply with all University policies and all relevant laws including but not limited to: personal conduct, sexual assault, unlawful discrimination and harassment, compliance, workplace violence, substance abuse, misuse of confidential information, use of University technologies, financial responsibility, and vehicle use. 
  • Refrain from taking actions that are contrary to the best interest of GVSU students and alumni. 
  • Prepare for and actively participate in your volunteer assignment. Respond in a timely manner to communications from fellow group members or the Alumni Relations office.
  • Ensure that any information that is provided is accurate, unbiased, and does not reflect any preference arising from actual, or potential personal gain. 
  • Serve as a positive representative for the University and Alumni Relations department by conducting yourself in an informed, appropriate, and professional manner. 
  • Acknowledge and respect the other volunteers and members of your group and their contributions, talents, efforts, and dignity. Treat them equally as peers. 
  • Participate in open and honest communications and discussions respectfully, and responsibly; be courteous, gracious, and respectful of others’ opinions and input. 
  • Only accept an assignment or appointment when you are confident in your ability to commit and participate in all aspects of the task to completion. 
  • Be objective in all processes, voting, and general actions, and continuously promote the objectives and options that best serve the students and alumni of the University.


As a volunteer, you recognize that you owe a duty of care to the University and to the Alumni Relations department, and that includes a duty of confidentiality. In connection with your volunteer service, you may be given or obtain access to confidential information from the University, Alumni Relations, or third parties. Each individual granted access to data and information holds a position of trust and must preserve the security and confidentiality of the information that is used. 

  • Confidential information is all of the information the University and/or Alumni Relations considers to be confidential or proprietary.
  • Confidential information may include but is not limited to: information regarding the organization, operations, policies, procedures, programs, contracts, finances, investments, contact information for constituents, and demographic data.
  • Confidential information may also include but is not limited to: unpublished or pre-released versions of University, Alumni Relations, or third-party documents, emails, and information, and internal-use-only or limited-circulation documents and information.
  • Individuals are required to abide by all applicable Federal and State guidelines and University policies regarding confidentiality of data including, but not limited to, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA protects student information and may not be released without proper authorization. 
  • You agree that you will not disclose or permit to be disclosed any confidential information, and you will not appropriate, photocopy, reproduce, or in any fashion replicate any confidential information without the prior written consent of appropriate University representatives.
  • You also agree not to use any confidential information for your own benefit or that of your employer unless authorized in writing by appropriate University representatives.

Conflicts of Interest

  • Avoid placing, and the appearance of placing, your own self-interest or any third-party interest above that of Alumni Relations and/or the University.
  • Avoid representing yourself as an agent of the University, Alumni Relations, or your group without prior approval. 
  • Refrain from entering into a business contract with or on behalf of the University, Alumni Relations or an Alumni Network.
  • Disclose involvement with other groups, organizations, businesses, or individuals where such a relationship(s) might be viewed as an actual or potential conflict between your personal or group’s financial interests and Alumni Relations, and recuse yourself from participating in any decision or vote with respect to those interests. 
  • Refrain from accepting duties, incurring obligations, accepting gifts or favors, or engaging in private business or professional activities when there is, or would appear to be, a conflict between your personal financial interests and the interests of Alumni Relations or the University. 
  • Disclose to group leadership and Alumni Relations if you become an employee of the University, in any role or capacity, as this may impact roles and voting rights.

Acknowledge and agree to the Code of Conduct

Sign the Code of Conduct

Page last modified June 5, 2024