Alumni in 5


Lewis Brody '17

My favorite memory at GVSU is being recognized by BSU as the person who spent the most time in the library for two years.

Elise Van De Steenoven '20

My favorite memory in my master's program was one of the first weeks we had a panel night where other executives in the field talked to us about their career paths.

Nathaniel Wagner '20 & '22

I loved working as a student laboratory assistant in the biology department throughout my undergraduate career; I had the best boss and the faculty and staff were all great to work with.

Marissa Parisek '21

Going to football games with my roommates, and meeting some of the best people.

Ieisha Humphrey '05

My favorite Grand Valley memory is the Community Working Classics program within the Philosophy department. I had the honor of designing and teaching a humanities course to students who would not otherwise been exposed to the subject.

Erik Elwell '22

My favorite memories from Grand Valley are the football tailgates at Canvas with my friends.

Khadijah Johnson '13

As a student employee working for Financial Aid.

Daniel Zorn '19

I remember tailgating at a Grand Valley playoff game in December while it was snowing. It was a great time and felt special having a home game so late in the season. The best part of Grand Valley was the people.

Danielle Harris '11

I have so many amazing memories from my time at Grand Valley. I was a resident assistant for several years, and I always loved throwing Halloween parties. But mostly, I cherish the memories I have hanging out with friends at Fresh Foods eating Laker Bowls

Patricia Moes, ne Dys '66

Being the Victorian of the first graduating class.

Page last modified July 2, 2024