Alumni in 5


Hannah Pier-Herendeen '12

My capstone class with Professor Bulson was such a great class to culminate my experience in health communications. He was very knowledgeable and an overall great professor to have before graduation.

Tim O'Dea '19

Enjoying all the festivities of Welcome Week or being able to attend the final Toast with T. Haas!

Steven Woodard '88

There were so many, sledding down the hill on trays from the Commons, concerts, grabbing Peppino's, looking to see if "the rock" had been repainted, crossing the Little Mac (wondering if it was shaking for a reason), and finally, graduating in the spring.

Anne Logan '69

In the winter the campus had a snow sculpture contest, pitting the clubs against each other, I believe in 1966. We won with our ice and snow sculpture of the Lubeck Germany Holstein Gate from the Middle Ages, the entry to the Hanseatic city with a moat.

Laurie Beth Nederveld '09

During my graduate research, I studied the impact of sediment remediation on stream conditions using a benthic macroinvertebrate index of biotic integrity.

Jamie Belt '19

One of my accounting professors (Sopariwala) once sat with me for 2 hours straight to help me understand my homework and prepare for the final exam. After he graded mine, he emailed me to let me know he was proud of my grade.

Katie Sims '18

One of my favorite memories at Grand Valley was cheering on the football team from the student section.

Eric Cousins '15

Serving as a Resident Assistant for three years, building relationships with staff and students, all working to make GVSU a better place to live and learn.

DaiLynn Dietz '17

I miss the physics club area all the time! We had a space within Padnos where physics students could congregate, collab on projects, and work through tough problems on whiteboards.

Jaime Guzior '12

My favorite memory is attending chapter meetings every Sunday with my Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority sisters.

Page last modified July 2, 2024