Young Alumni Council Member Expectations

Membership Terms

  • New YAC members are given a three (3) year term limit.
  • After one year on the council, members are eligible to serve in leadership positions. Nominations and elections for leadership positions are held annually in the spring. Committee chairs, president-elect, and president roles each serve one (1) year terms.
  • Following their first term, members are eligible for a second three (3) year term, subject to approval by the whole council. Total years on the YAC shall not exceed six (6) years.


YAC members hold an important leadership role in the GVSU community. Members are expected to maintain active participation, including:

  • Attendance at general council and committee meetings.
  • Actively engage in meetings and committee work to advance the goals of the YAC and Alumni Relations office.
  • Be a visible and connected member of the alumni community by attending YAC, Alumni Relations, and GVSU events and actively sharing alumni information and opportunities within your networks.
  • Regularly utilize the YAC Slack channel for communication and collaboration.
  • Support, as you are able, GVSU financially and through volunteer activities.

Meeting Attendance

  • The YAC meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. EST. in September, November, January, March, and May these are general council meetings.(Meeting days and times are subject to change with notice.)
  • An orientation meeting is also held in August.
  • Committee and/or subcommittee meetings can be expected at least every other month and are scheduled by committees based on need and member availability.
  • All general council meetings are held in a hybrid format with in-person and virtual attendance options. In-person attendance is strongly encouraged for local members.


All YAC members serve on at least one committee:

Standing Governance Committee: oversees the compliance of the YAC Bylaws, requirements of all Members, research and recommend best practices, and other activities as deem appropriate to ensure the Council functions effectively. The Governance Committee is mostly internally focused, helping ensure that the YAC operates smoothly and effectively.

Annually established SNAP Committees: The work of the YAC is project, topic, or issue based and evolves regularly based on the needs of the university, Alumni Relations office, and alumni community. Each year, the YAC established two to four SNAP (small, nimble, actionable, purposeful) Committees that are focused around projects, topics, goals, or areas of priority for the YAC. Each committee has a specific purpose, a clear outcome, and a finite timeline for completing the work.

Additionally there is an Executive Committee made up of the President, President-Elect, and Committee Chairs.

Page last modified November 21, 2024