Industry Associates
MichBio aims to encompass broad industry sub-sector representation including pharmaceuticals and therapeutics (human and animal health, generics and OTCs), medical devices, diagnostics, research tools, informatics (healthcare and bio-informatics), nutritional health (nutriceuticals), clinical research, industrial biotechnology, and bio-fuels and bio-agriculture.
MI Device
MiDevice is the only Michigan-based organization dedicated to medical device design, development, manufacturing and distribution. The Consortium works to speed the growth and development of medical devices by emphasizing and encouraging collaboration among members to meet overall product lifecycle and supply chain needs. The goal is to build collaboration around core competencies, create opportunities to leverage these competencies, and ultimately grow the medical device industry in the region into a nationally recognized medical device cluster.
Michigan SBDC
The Michigan Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides counseling, training and research to assist small business to launch, grow, transition and innovate The Michigan SBDC enhances Michigan’s economic wellbeing by providing counseling, training and research for new ventures, existing small businesses and advanced technology companies. With their headquarters at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, 11 regional offices and more than 20 satellite offices, they provide entrepreneurs and business owners with convenient access to counseling and training throughout Michigan.
MTEC is a biomedical technology consortium collaborating with multiple government agencies under a 10-year renewable Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) with the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC). They are currently recruiting a broad and diverse membership that includes representatives from small and large business, academic universities, not-for-profit organizations, and "Non-traditional" government contracts.
EMC Center
GVSU's EMC Center is located at 609 Watson Street in Grand Rapids, just west of GVSU's Kennedy Hall of Engineering. This 4,000 square-foot facility includes a seminar room and the EMC pre-compliance lab. In addition to the pre-compliance testing, the EMC Center also offers design reviews for schematic and PCB layout, diagnostic support, and EMC test plan development.
The Right Place
The Right Place is your single source for business success in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We are a private, non-profit economic development organization that has led West Michigan's economic growth for over 30 years. We provide business growth assistance to both local and international companies including site location services, connections to regional supply chain and service providers, regional business tours, consultation on state and local business incentives, and more.
Muskegon Innovation Hub
The Muskegon Innovation Hub (the Hub) is a business innovation center that provides coaching, funding, networking, and a synergistic work environment to help businesses and entrepreneurs maximize their growth potential. We are a key partner in the region's innovation ecosystem, supporting startup businesses, entrepreneurs, and corporate innovation teams.
Small Company Innovation Program (SCIP)
The Michigan Corporate Relations Network (MCRN) Small Company Innovation Program (SCIP) provides matching funds up to $40,000 to Michigan small businesses to help cover the cost of conducting a research project at any state of Michigan public university. The program is intended to help companies overcome a common challenge faced by small companies and entrepreneurs – getting research and development needs met so they can get to commercialization faster.
Michigan Economic Development Corporation
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation, in collaboration with more than 100 economic development partners, markets Michigan as the place to do business, assists businesses in their growth strategies, and fosters the growth of vibrant communities across the state.
Michigan Translational Research and Commercialization
The Michigan Translational Research and Commercialization (MTRAC) Innovation Hub for Advanced Transportation is a statewide program that funds translational research applications in advanced transportation materials, robotics and autonomy, sensors, electric vehicle drivetrain/propulsion, software/controls/data, and advanced manufacturing processes. The mission of this program is to advance transportation technologies that address future, or poorly met market needs.
Applied Computing Institute
The GVSU Applied Computing Institute is based upon well-established PCEC competencies in computing, experiential learning, and industry collaboration with the aim of further enriching learning opportunities for GVSU students, while simultaneously providing key industry partners access to faculty and student expertise in computer science and related disciplines.