Meet our Peer Educators

Molly Lombard

Pronouns: She/Her

Class Standing: Senior

Major: Biochemistry 

Career Goals: Genetic counselor

Campus Involvement: Alternative Breaks current VP of site development, Cook Leadership Academy, President of the Genetic Counseling Organization 

Emmanuel Hospice bereavement team, DSP through Adult Foster Care 

What I do for Self-Care: Kayaking, reading, spending time with family, and watching Downton Abbey/The Crown/The Office 

Fun Facts: I have three pugs at my parent’s house;  Puzzle, Rolly, and Appa!! 

Molly Lombard


Carolyn Morgan

Name: Carolyn Morgan

Pronouns: She/They

Class Standing: Senior

Major: Anthropology

Career Goals: Working at archaeological sites, research, and teaching

Campus Involvement: VP of Finance for Grand Valley Alternative Breaks, Honors College mentor

What I do for Self-Care: I light a bunch of scented candles, play some relaxing music, and curl up in a fuzzy blanket with a good book

Fun Facts: I have studied abroad in Peru and Ireland!

Deeksha Nemawarkar 

Pronouns: She/Her

Class Standing: Masters 

Major: Public Health

Career goals: Finding ways to bridge oral health with public health

Campus involvement: Public Health Society

What do I do for self-care: Taking a walk with relaxing music after dinner is one of my self care rituals

Fun facts: I still go back and watch old episodes of Grey’s Anatomy


Deja Shipp

Deja Shipp

Pronouns: She/Her

Class Standing: Junior

Major: Psychology, Minor: Criminal Justice

Career Goals: I want to a psychiatrist for youth who are committing adult level crimes. I want to figure out why they are committing those crimes.

Campus Involvement: I am the Vice President for Rhythm in Blue Dance Team.  I am a member of the Black Excellence Orientation group. I am also a brand ambassador for Campus West.

What I Do for Self-Care: I have a skin care routine that I do everyday.  I also look for new recipes to try and cook because I love to cook.  I also look for new music to create a dance to because I love to dance

Fun Facts: My favorite food to eat is Mac & cheese; I have it at least once a week.  I love to cook and bake new things, so I’m trying new recipes weekly.

Page last modified September 20, 2021