Meet the Faculty

Many faculty members at Grand Valley have expertise in Archaeology and related fields. Grand Valley faculty are active in field research projects in the United States and around the globe.  We have a wide variety of different methodological and regional specialties.

Below you will find an alphabetical directory of Grand Valley faculty with interests and expertise in archaeology. 

If you have questions about the Archaeology Program, please contact the current Program Coordinator

Elizabeth Arnold : Plant and animal studies in the archaeological record

Matthew Daley : Historic preservation/Industrial archaeology, Urban History

Steven Dorland: Eastern North America, Collaborative Archaeology, Pottery Production, and Childhood Learning

Jonathan Greer: Biblical Archaeology, Zooarchaeology, Ancient Israelite religion, sacrifice, and feasting

Angela Lockard Reed: Public archaeology, Maya and Iroquois

Gwyn Madden : Physical Anthropology, Bioarchaeology, paleopathology, mummy studies

Melissa Morison : Mediterranean, Roman Empire, Ceramic Technology and Petrography, Monuments and Place-making

Alexei Nikitin : Archaeogenetics

Mark Schwartz : Near East, Great Lakes, Underwater Archaeology

Heather VanWormer : Historical Archaeology; Social memory, Intentional communities

Page last modified September 11, 2023