Mathias Alten Timeline
To view this timeline, please visit:
Mathias Alten
To view this timeline in person, please visit the 2nd floor of the Devos building on GVSU's Pew Campus.
To view this timeline, please visit:
To view this timeline in person, please visit the 2nd floor of the Devos building on GVSU's Pew Campus.
GVSU Art Museum Offices
Hours: M-F 8am to 5pm
Art Gallery Support Facility
1 Campus Dr.
GVSU Art Museum PAC Gallery, Thomas J and Marcia J Haas Center for Performing Arts:
Regular open hours: M T W F 10-5pm; Th 10-7pm Fall and Winter Semesters except on days the University is closed, holidays, Spring Break, and between exhibitions. Please see our exhibition page for specific dates.
Phone: (616) 331-2563